Sunday, December 30, 2012

Keep on Pushing...2 days to go!!

Click image to enlarge
Thank you Team Anew for pushing and helping us reach our team goal for December. 

We still have  a little way to go to have our best volume month since August and only 2 days to make it happen!

I want to specifically congratulate those who have already achieved $100 in personal volume for December and encourage those who are within striking distance. 
Topping the list is our team superstar, Angie Marshall who has been doing her thing with Soul Purpose for 2 years now.  Happy Anniversary, Angie!  Just check the list on the image to the left for your name.  If it's not there, remember the month is not over, until the phat lady sings...and I'm not singing yet!  LOL

If you have all of the personal pampering products needed for youself and the family, consider:

  • Purchasing Nurture Skin Care Sets to get prepared for our Pretty Faces Campaign which will kick off after the first of the year. 

  • Purchasing items you'll need to support your January customer marketing strategy (i.e., products to include in a gift basket, door prizes for your January Party With a Purpose, etc.)

  • Stocking up on prosperity maps and product samples (especially Nurture).  Keep in mind that these items won't contribute to your volume.

I'll be around, so please let me know by text if I can be of any assistance throughout the next couple of days!

Friday, December 21, 2012


handbags have arrived.  They are GORGEOUS!!! and I can't wait to award them to some very deserving members of the team. 

Just for working your business, you can earn entries into the various drawings!  Click on the image to enlarge the flyer for all of the details. 

Then, get busy because there's 10 DAYS LEFT to WIN one of these handbags.