Welcome to Soul Purpose!
Welcome to Team ANEW or Team Journey!
And, more importantly,welcome to this opportunity to write the

National Team Leader, Team ANEW
Soul Purpose is an incredible business opportunity and our goal is empower you to discover and live your soul purpose!  While there are many Lifestyle Entrepreneurs on this journey with you, your journey will be as unique to you as your DNA.  The journey may begin with achieving success in your Soul Purpose business (whatever that means for you), but I hope that it will ultimately be a platform for fulfilling your every dream!    


The first thing that I'm going to ask you to do is to DEVELOP AN ENTREPRENEUR'S MINDSET. It's a process of reprogramming your thinking, energy and efforts to achieve your desired results.

First, start thinking in terms of BEING EXCELLENT, not just successful.  Being excellent in your focus, attitude, and activities each day is ultimately what will produce the results you desire.   
  1. Maya Angelou says, "When we know better, we do better!"  It's important to be a student of direct sales and of Soul Purpose. Always have an open mind.  Be willing to invest in your success by in learning the products, the systems, the compensation plan, etc.  You'll not only increase your skill level for presenting Soul Purpose to others but you'll develop more confidence in the process. 
  2. Have integrity in your business practices.  When we ask someone to purchase from us or join us in the business, what we're really asking them to do is trust us.  So, be professional and a person on integrity.  Do what you say you're going to do when you say you're going to do it even if the emotion or enthusiasm of the moment in which you said it has past. 
  3. Be excellent in communications, marketing and follow-up.  By following our systems, you'll be more effective and efficient in building your business.  Apply the same dedication to your business that you apply to your responsibilities on your corporate job. 
  4. It's likely that for years you've applied yourself and developed the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful on a corporate job...allowing someone else to fulfill their dreams.  Soul Purpose is your opportunity to use all of those skill to fulfill your own dreams! 
Second, be Consistent In Your Efforts:

Many people entering direct sales view it as a something to do on the side or in their spare time.  In many cases, this results in them ultimately blaming the business for not working for them.  But the truth is, they didn't work their business.  If you treat your business as a hobby, you can only expect hobby results...meaning occasional and modest success at best.  But if you give it your best everyday, you'll create a momentum and energy for achieving success.

Just as consistently as you report in for work on your corporate job and complete daily, weekly or monthly tasks, you must be consistent in your efforts with your Soul Purpose business.  This means that whatever amount of time you allocate for your business, you must give it 100% effort.  And consider this, if you multi-task by working your business while doing other activities, you're really only giving your business 50% of that time and effort.  Make every minute count!  

Third, have a Persistent Focus -- Within our team and corporately, you will learn that the volume producing activities (VPAs) which produce the greatest results are: 
  • SAMPLING - Introducing new people to Soul Purpose.
  • SHARING - Sharing the products and business opportunity.
  • SIGNING - Signing new business partners
Prioritize your activities to focus on the VPAs for 80% of your time and 20% on administrative tasks. For example:  If you plan to work your business 10 hours per week, 8 of those hours should be spent sampling, sharing and signing.  The remaining 2 hours should be for administrative tasks such as placing orders, filing paperwork, sending emails & e-cards.  Another key is to make sure you're focusing on VPAs during prime time.  Any time when you can be out networking, making follow up calls, coaching a party host, etc should not be spent filing or on the computer.  Get out, be visible and make your presence known in your community as THE SOUL PURPOSE ENTREPRENEUR. 

Being persistent means being doing your VPAs repeatedly until success comes.   This might seem simple, but this is actually where most people give up.  Let's compare the process to finding PEARLS where each pearl represents a customer sale, a lifestyle party, a new business partner, a title promotion or a growing commission check. 
First you have to gather the oysters.  This is the art of networking and sampling.  Continually introducing new people to Soul Purpose with a goal to determine WHO IS INTERESTED in learning more about what we have to offer. The key is to keep gathering...network everyday to give yourself the greatest opportunity for meeting the right people.

Now, the real work begins! The only way to determine if an oyster contains one of the pearls you seek, YOU MUST SHUCK THEM ALL!   The exterior of the oyster is a rough, often razor sharp shell that has to be handled with care. Only when you successfully pry an oyster open, will you know if it contains a pearl.  Many of them won't but you can't stop because the very next one could be THE ONE!

Lastly, GIVE IT TIME!  Building a consistently successful Soul Purpose business happens over time so don't give up.  As employees, we are accustomed to putting in 40-80 hours and receiving a paycheck in return.  But as ENTREPRENEURS, we commit for the long term by investing our time and resources to create success in our business.  If your goal is financial independence, saving for higher education for your children, having the time and financial freedom to pursue your passions, buying your dream home or car or giving back to your community, then you have to apply yourself and give the business time to work for you! 

I hope that you are now even more excited and ready to commit our SUCCESS PLAN for building a successful business. Stay plugged in and feel free to ask for the support you need. If ever you feel like giving up or putting your business on pause, that's the time to reach out to your sponsor or upline Diamond.  If they're not available, feel free to call me directly at 321-217-3912.  Through this site, our team calls, and informational emails, it is my mission to keep the training and support you need just a click or call away! 
Best wishes for incredible success,

"Put a VERB in it! 
Without ACTION, your dreams are just illusions of grandeur!"
~ Cheryl A. Cormier

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