Saturday, December 7, 2013

Power Hour Scripts


As a team today (12/7/13), we'll focus our efforts and harness our energy to grow sales and secure Visionary Support pledges.

Be sure to dial in at noon ET for kickoff instructions!  Then, work your list of 20 using the applicable script below.

712-432-8900, code 57559#


Script for Existing Customers.

Hi, Dorothy.  It's Cheryl Cormier with Soul Purpose!  I'm glad I was able to reach you for a very brief call today.  Am I catching you at a bad time?   (If no, continue.  If yes, go to "IT'S A BAD TIME" CLOSE)

Wonderful. First, thank you for supporting my business and enjoying the Soul Purpose products personally.  What was your favorite again?  ______   Yes, that's a great product.  If you love it, then you're going to loose your mind when you try _________.  

Hey Dorothy, thinking of these wonderful products who are the 2 or 3 friends or family members on your holiday shopping list who would really appreciate our natural products as much as you do? (Wait until she shares the names)   Great.  Because in addition to great products at great prices, I have a special offer for you.  When you place a qualifying order and with every $50 gift set, we'll include a $50 Wine Card which can be redeemed for 6 bottles of wine from for as little as $1 plus shipping!

As you know, our products are reasonably priced...beginning at just $6 for our moisturizing lip balms and $10 for solid scents, both of which make excellent stocking stuffers or co-worker gifts

Can I help you with your shopping today?  (Wait for her answer.  if yes, proceed to take order.  Make recommendations from the gift giving guide).

(if no)  Would it be okay to call you back on Monday or Wednesday evening?  (make an appointment for callback.)

"IT'S A BAD TIME" CLOSE.  I completely understand.  Can I call you back on Monday or Wednesday evening?

CALL CLOSE. Thank you again Dorothy for your time today.  You know that we created and launched Soul Purpose with a vision to help people nurture and take better care of themselves, and to provide an opportunity for financial freedom.  So, every order is important and I thank you for supporting our vision.  Let me make sure you have my contact information in case you need to reach me.  My direct phone number is ______ and my email is ________.  Happy holidays to you and your family!

Script for Contacts (who have not yet ordered.)

Hi, Rita.  It's Cheryl Cormier with Soul Purpose.  I'm happy to reach you this morning for a very brief call.  Am I catching you at a bad time?  (If no, continue.  If yes, go to "IT'S A BAD TIME" CLOSE)

Wonderful!  I love the holiday season and wanted to call to help you with your holiday shopping.  I know you want to give meaningful gifts and Soul Purpose products are great and great.  They are great for the skin, great smelling and great for your budget. 

And for a limited time, when you place a qualifying order and with every $50 gift set, we'll include a $50 Wine Card which can be redeemed for 6 bottles of wine from for as little as $1 plus shipping!

Reasonably priced...beginning at just $6 for our moisturizing lip balms and $10 for solid scents, both of which make excellent stocking stuffers or co-worker gifts.

Can I help you shop for something for you and for someone on your shopping list today?  (Wait for her answer.  if yes, proceed to take order.  Make recommendations from the gift giving guide).

(if no)  Would it be okay to call you back on Monday or Wednesday evening?  (make an appointment for callback.)

"IT'S A BAD TIME" CLOSE.  I completely understand.  Can I call you back on Monday or Wednesday evening?

CALL CLOSE. Thank you again Rita for your time today.  You know that we created and launched Soul Purpose with a vision to help people nurture and take better care of themselves, and to provide an opportunity for financial freedom.  So, every order is important and I thank you for supporting our vision.  Let me make sure you have my contact information in case you need to reach me.  My direct phone number is ______ and my email is ________.  Happy holidays to you and your family!

Script to Team Members.

Hi, Chelsea.  This is Cheryl Cormier with Soul Purpose.  Happy holidays!  Am I catching you at a bad time?  (If no, continue.  If yes, go to "IT'S A BAD TIME" CLOSE)

Are you looking for great bargains and discounts as you shop for the holidays?  What about getting a free gift for you?  Great.  That's why I'm calling.  I want to make sure you know about the NakedWines offer for shopping for the holidays. As a member of the community, you not only can shop at wholesale prices which are about 30% off retail but you can qualify for a FREE $50 Wine Card as well.  With every order of $100 or more, or with every gift set of $50 or more, you'll get a free wine card.  I received my wine card a couple of weeks ago, redeemed it and I now have 6 bottles of wine and I only had to pay $1 plus $9.99 shipping!  I plan to serve 3 bottles at my holiday party, and I'm going to gift the other three to friends I know will appreciate them.

If you're looking for stocking stuffers or co-worker gifts, you'll get your discount on our moisturizing lip balms ($6)  and $10 solid scents. 

Can I help you select something for yourself or special friends and family on your gift list today so you can get your wine card?  (Wait for her answer.  if yes, proceed to take order.  Make recommendations from the gift giving guide).

(if no)  Would it be okay to call you back on Monday or Wednesday evening?  (make an appointment for callback.)

"IT'S A BAD TIME" CLOSE.  I completely understand.  Can I call you back on Monday or Wednesday evening?

CALL CLOSE. Thank you again Chelsea for your time today.  You know that we created and launched Soul Purpose with a vision to help people nurture and take better care of themselves, and to provide an opportunity for financial freedom.  As a member of the community, you are especially important to making the vision a reality.  While you may not be focused on building a business at this time, every order...big or small...counts. I hope we can on you to something each month for yourself and to support the vision of empowering others.  If so, we'd love to add your name to our Wall of Success.  You can download the pledge form from the SOUL PURPOSE NEWS blog ( and fax or email it to corporate.

Before I let you go, please make sure you have my contact information saved in case you need to reach me.  My direct phone number is ______ and my email is ________.  Happy holidays to you and your family! 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Congratulations to the new CEO's of TEAM ANEW for September!

Evalina Huggins
Mary Lou Johnson
Barbara Lee
Kennetha Sanderlin
Sophronia Smith

We're proud of you for taking this monumental step toward WEALTH CREATION!

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Thanks for PUSHING 100 in August! 
With nearly 100 business partners meeting or exceeding the challenge, I'm delighted to announce the drawing winners:

      DeCarla Estine Williams
    Gloria Majeed
    Marcia Williams
    Elaine Kerr

Let's do it again in September! 
Prizes to be announced.

Please send email me at to claim your gift by letting me know your fragrance choice:  Armenian Pomegranate, Lovely Day or Malaysian Mango Brow Sugar!


CLICK HERE to download the

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Celebrating CEOs...

It has been an exhilarating end to a great month. Many Team Anew business partners met the PUSH 100 challenge, we have many title promotions and several new CEOs to celebrate.  Jennifer Camp (Central Florida) started this week's excitement by enrolling CEO qualified and she was soon joined a by Glynda Myers (New York) and Valerie Horton (Ohio) who became CEO qualified on Monday.  Then, ending the week with a bang was Dola Young, who became CEO qualified on Friday. 

I celebrate each of those listed, everyone on the team and throughout the community who see the vision and are embracing their dreams. 

CEO is the path that will take us there.

I had the honor of celebrating and strategizing Sunday with Dola.  We made plans that will not only allow her to make her investment back, but she's poised and ready to grow a million dollar business!

This quick video just to say hi and to share the celebration with you!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Soul Purpose News: GENERIC EVENT FLYERS: CLICK HERE to download a PowerPoint file of these gorgeous EVENT Flyers.  Then, personalize them for your upcoming events.  Enjoy!!! ...

Soul Purpose News: Double QV -- On Select Ancient Legacy Oils

Soul Purpose News: Double QV -- On Select Ancient Legacy Oils: August 28th ONLY! Offer Expires at Midnight Tonight!   These are all special  custom blends   67012              Aw...

Saturday, August 24, 2013

New Marketing Materials

Check it out.  We have a new page on our blog:  MARKETING

As I create materials to share with my personal contacts, I wanted to make them available to the team as well.  On the MARKETING page, you'll find generic flyers (such as the one to the left) that you can use to keep Soul Purpose on the minds of your customers, contacts and prospective business partners. 


TESTIMONIALS NEEDED:  To make our marketing materials more impactful, your testimonials will help everyone identify with the power of our products.  Please send your testimonial to  Customer testimonials are welcome too!

Friday, August 23, 2013


Click to enlarge & download.
Okay everyone!  If you're planning to attend the CEO training, it was suggested that we wear t-shirts.  I've found a vendor to get the shirts on time, but we need to place our order by Monday night, August 26th.  So, if you're interested, please act now!!!

CLICK the image to the left for complete details and ordering instructions.

EVERYONE is welcome to order (even if you're not attending the CEO Training), but you must act now and submit your order and payment as directed on the flyer.



CLICK HERE for PayPal.  (If you don't have an account, just let me know to send you a payment request.)

Thursday, August 22, 2013


We are all anxiously awaiting the arrival of not one, not two, but 
Click to enlarge


Everyone who makes the PUSH100 list for August with a minimum of $100 in personal volume will have a chance to win one of the new scrubs -- ABSOLUTELY FREE!

Plus, if you have over $500 in personal volume, you'll go into a special drawing to win one of the BODY GLOW SETS in the new fragrances!


Click to enlarge.
Tune in for
support, information, inspiration & strategies
to help

Thursday, August 22, 2013
@ 9:00pm ET
712-432-8900, code 57559#

Saturday, August 10, 2013


Let's get ready to make the most of
CEO TRAINING on September 7.

You must register directly with Youngevity through your back office.  It's FREE.  So add your name to the attendee list right away so that Youngevity can plan for your participation.


If you'd like to stay at the same hotel with the other members of the team, please review the instructions contained on the flyer below (click to download). Thanks to Deitra Dennis (ATL) for coordinating the rooms for us!


The Marriott Residence Inn is just a few blocks away from the Convention Center where the Training will be held on Saturday.  Team member, Katrina Johnson (Baltimore) has provided a map for everyone's convenience.  Download Now!

Stay tuned for more information...

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Tomorrow night is our regularly scheduled team meeting and we have a special invitation to participate in the "GO BIG WORKSHOP"webinar offered by Darren Hardy that starts at 9:00pm ET. (see full details for registering and participating below).  Terri Jackson has participated in his trainings and says they are outstanding. 

Since this is our last call before month-end, please meet on the team conference bridge 712-432-8900, 57559# at 8:45pm ET for a brief 15-minutes to discuss announcements and success action plan for closing out the month. 

THEN log in for the webinar & enjoy!!!


“Darren Hardy’s Go Big Workshop”
Thursday, July 25, 2013
6 pm PT / 9 pm ET

I’ve built this webinar for you, if you’re:
  • Seriously ready to GO BIG & KICK BUTT in 2013 and beyond.
  • Successful, but feeling plateaued and want to break through to the next level.  
  • In need of a jump start to get your passion and fire back.
  • Wanting to double your income and triple your know-how. 
You'll learn about the biggest assault on the productivity of you and your team members and how you can safeguard against it. Plus, I’m going to show you how to discover your true passion, identify and master YOUR PERSONAL success vitals, set up your environment to support your high-performance lifestyle, and so much more! 

  • No more feeling stuck, stagnant or frustrated with the speed of your progress.
  • No more fits and starts of activity only to get side tracked, distracted and deflated.
  • No more spinning plates, feeling frazzled, overwhelmed and stressed out.

I need you to bring these 3 things to the webinar:

1. A notepad ready to take a lot of notes feverishly.

2. A clear mind, calendar (hour or so) in an undistracted environment.

3. Ideas on how and with whom you will spend your multiplied income and free time (yes, let’s start raising the bar in your head now!)

Space will be limited. The first to register get in. 

Don’t miss out, register yourself now: 

I’m going to be giving some great gifts and additional tools to those who attend too—I’m a fan of those that “show up”.

I’ll see you here, Thursday:

I’m looking forward to it—I hope you are too!

Your friend in SUCCESS,
Darren Hardy

Saturday, July 20, 2013

411 on CEO TRAINING, September 7th!

It's exciting to hear from team members who are planning to attend the CEO TRAINING in Baltimore on Saturday, September 7th. 

If you are planning to attend the CEO TRAINING, please let me know by email or text.  We are planning a Mastermind Strategy Session for our team with a focus on:


If you want to attend the CEO TRAINING but need help becoming CEO QUALIFIED, please refer to the suggestions I just posted on the SOULPURPOSE-NEWS BLOG.

Register Now (Item # CEOBALT-2013) >>

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Welcome to Soul Purpose & Team Anew

Special congratulations and welcome this week to:

Nakia Sanderlin, our newest CEO QUALIFIED Entrepreneur who was personally enrolled by Sharon Cheek.   Sharon's other new business partner, Medis Cheek is also ACTIVE!

Shout out to our newest YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR, 9 year old Jakylan Fuller Reed who is ACTIVE and personally enrolled by his grandmother, Robbyne Hocker Fuller. 

Joining the team for the week of July 11 - July 18 are:


Name Title Enroller Name
Fuller Reed, Jakylan DIST Hocker Fuller, Robbyne
Sanderlin, Nakia DIST Cheek, Sharon
Cheek, Medis DIST Cheek, Sharon
Anderson, Anaiah DIST Anderson, Jamil

Tejada, Carol PCUST Goodson-Smith, Jacqueline
Taylor- Adams, Jacqueline PCUST Francis, Cynthia D

Team Call, July 18th

Dial in for an informative and motivating team call with


"Compensation Plan & the Power of Being CEO QUALIFIED!"

Thursday, July 18, 2013

9:00pm ET / 8:00pm CT / 6:00pm PT
enter code 57559#

Thursday, July 11, 2013

TEAM CALL, 7/11/13

Join our empowering team call tonight (click flyer images for details)!
July 11, 2013
9:00pm ET / 8:00pm CT / 6:00pm PT
code 57559#


  1. $35 GIFT CERTIFICATES for New ACTIVE Entrepreneurs
  2. Updated SP CEO MEGA PACK product list.
  3. Health News Testimonials Needed!
  4. PWAP! Saturday July 13th (Dial in at 4:30pm et)
  5. Join MOMENTUM CALLS (Monday & Friday @ 1:00pm ET, 712-432-0075 code 232494#)
  7. New Healthy Start Packs 2.0!
  8. Stay Connected:
    1. Get email updates from SOULPURPOSE-NEWS Blog and TEAMANEW.COM
    2. Text ANEW to 55469 for text updates.


NameTitleEnroller Name
Nwachukwu, Nolan DIST Thompson, Kendra
Benton, Sheri DIST Ammons, Katrina
Lampley, Toni DIST Jackson Carson, Kalen
Fraser, Niles DIST Francis, Cynthia D
Francis, Destiny DIST Fraser, Niles
Grayson, Theresa IMD Morton, Rochelle
Brevil, Yvronise PCUST Gottah Dance The Wellness Exp.
Daugherty, Nancy PCUST Marshall, Angie

I'm looking for the a wonderful call tonight!

Friday, July 5, 2013


I'm planning to recognize and celebrate everyone in the SOUL PURPOSE COMMUNITY who has become CEO QUALIFIED since the introduction of the SP CEO MEGA PAK.  But I couldn't wait to give a shout out to those who are part of our dynamic team!

RED = CEO Qualified within the the last 2 weeks.

Name Title Enroller Name
Cheek, Sharon RMD Gottah Dance The Wellness Exp.
Goodson-Smith, Jacqueline IMD Troutman, Tamiko M
McFadden, Janett IMD McFadden, Lenora R.
McFadden, Lenora R. RMD Gottah Dance The Wellness Exp.
Wilson, Sharon IMD Cormier, Cheryl A.
Overton, Thomas EMD Johnson, Katrina L
Williams Chancellor, Angelia VPMD Cormier, Cheryl A.
Gottah Dance The Wellness Exp. VPMD Williams Chancellor, Angelia
Full Circle Health Coaching IMD Cormier, Cheryl A.
Clark, Josie IMD Smith, Rosalyn
Cross, Tedra EMD Cormier, Cheryl A.
Duarte, Marisa A EMD Cormier, Cheryl A.
Houston, Jalinda IMD Clark, Josie
Marshall Sr., Thomas EMD Marshall, Angie
Smith, Rosalyn RMD Troutman, Tamiko M
Wilkes, Tracie EMD Marshall, Angie

Now that Youngevity has announced the extension of the PASSPORT TO PARADISE PROMOTION (through which qualifiers will win a trip to CANCUN this November), there is plenty of reason to continue to build our team and your check with CEO Entrepreneurs! 

CLICK HERE to download the new CANCUN trip details and criteria.

CLICK HERE to view the new YOUTUBE video announcing the extension.

Welcome New Team Members, June 28-July 5!

Welcome and congratulations to the following new members of TEAM ANEW Soul Purpose and their enrollers! 


NameTitleEnroller's Name
Francis, Destiny DIST Fraser, Niles
Fraser, Niles DIST Francis, Cynthia D
Lampley, Toni DIST Jackson Carson, Kalen
Grayson, Theresa IMD Morton, Rochelle


Brevil, Yvronise PCUST Gottah Dance The Wellness Exp.
Hylton, Audrey PCUST Thompson, Tra-shonda 
Young, Miranda PCUST Gottah Dance The Wellness Exp.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Welcome New Members, June 13 - June 27

all new members who joined
Soul Purpose &  Team Anew
June 13 - June 27, 2013

Young, Miranda PCUST Gottah Dance The Wellness Exp.
Hylton, Audrey PCUST Soul Purpose
Hill, Tatiana PCUST Soul Purpose
Lawrence, Kahlila PCUST Lawrence, Kahlila
Reyes, Terri PCUST KY Marshall, Angie
Kelley, Heather PCUST KY Marshall, Angie


Name Title State Enroller Name
Adams, Latasha  DIST FL Thompson, Kendra
Anderson, Jamil IMD KY Marshall, Angie
Basement Theory Entertainment LLC DIST FL Harden, Paula
Dalen, Joany DIST CO Cross, Tedra
Griffin, Shirley IMD OH Kerr, Elaine
Harden, Paula DIST FL Thompson, Kendra
Harden, Paula DIST FL Thompson, Kendra
Johnson, Arielle IMD VA Overton, Thomas
johnson, jacqueline IMD VA Overton, Thomas
Lampkin, Pat IMD PA Cormier, Cheryl A.
Muhammad, Denise DIST MI Morton, Rochelle
Overton, Carlton IMD TX Overton, Thomas
Parham, Tamara DIST FL Harden, Paula
Payne, Carol IMD NC Cormier, Cheryl A.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Networking & Follow-Up w/Angie Marshall...Team Call 6/27/13

Mark your calendars and get ready to take plenty of notes when SEMD, Angie Marshall shares the secrets for her success on our team call, Thursday, June 27, 2013.

712-432-8900, code 57559#
9pm ET

In my commitment to bring you training and information from leaders you should follow, Angie, a superstar of Soul Purpose, certainly fits that bill.  As an outstanding leader who is consistently recognized for being a top volume producer and top enroller, Angie was honored at Convention for her promotion to Senior Marketing Director and for earning the SILVER MERCEDES CAR BONUS which is when this picture was taken!

The highlight of our calls for everyone is sharing Healthy Body success stories.  Whether your own experiences or that of your customers, we look forward to hearing from you.  By keeping the conversation going, everyone is having fun learning and living healthier than ever!

Remember to invite your new business partners to be on the call as well so we can properly welcome them to Soul Purpose and the team!

Talk to you Thursday!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Weekend Congrats!

We are so proud of our business partners who made it happen over the weekend...

Kendra Thompson along with new business partner, Paula held a business opportunity meeting on Sunday in Plantation, Florida which resulted in 4 new business partners!  Congratulations ladies and special thanks to Wellness Coach, Terri Jackson for her expertise.

Kimberly McCormick Jones, Debra Sampson & Carlos McCormick participated in the 10th annual Texas Black Expo this weekend in Houston, Texas...making new contacts, sales and potential new business partners!

GOT A SUCCESS REPORT?  PLEASE SHARE!  I'd love to recognize everyone who has success throughout the week.  Just send your success report to cheryl@anewcoaching.  I'll post it on our team blog.  Leaders, this is your opportunity to help your business partners shine by acknowledging their success. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Team Call 2NITE! 6/13/13

We had a great time last week introducing our new call format which I hope inspires everyone to stay connected and become an ACTIVE participant in your own success!

712-432-8900, 57559#   THURSDAYS @  9PM ET


NameTitleStateEnroller Name
Big City Styles Salon DIST KY Marshall, Angie
Dalen, Joany DIST CO Cross, Tedra
Edmonds, Tracey IMD KY Marshall, Angie
Elijah, Drew DIST MD Elijah, Drew
Handley, Dawn DIST KY Marshall, Angie
Ma, Marlene IMD TX Walker, Angela
Majeed, Gloria DIST TX Lucas, La Tonya
McNeil, Novella DIST FL McNeil, Novella
Overton, Thomas IMD VA Johnson, Katrina L
Thompson, Maurice DIST FL Thompson, Kendra

Huffman, Kimberly



Gottah Dance The Wellness Exp.
Jackson Carson, Kalen PCUST Gottah Dance The Wellness Exp.
Randolph-Vaughn, Cynthia PCUST IN Marshall, Angie
Reyes, Terri PCUST KY Marshall, Angie
Sanders, Carla PCUST FL Gottah Dance The Wellness Exp.

The only thing better than getting healthy is doing it with friends.  So, we're here to support, encourage and inspire you to achieve your wellness goals. Remember, this segment is your opportunity to share, shine and inspire others with your experiences over the last week. 

The invitation is out and we ask everyone to accept the challenge to:

1)  Be a product of the product.  Make your wellness automatic by adding a BE WELL pack to your autoship. (Add Osteo FX and, if weight loss is a goal, the ASAP product.)
2)  Add your name to the list of those who verbalized their commitment on last week's call. (Make your commitment known on tonight's call, add it as a comment to this blog post or send an email to

Josi Hopkins
Terri Jackson Carson
Tracie Wilkes
Robbyne Hocker Fuller
Jacki Goodson Smith
Sonja Keeve
Angie Marshall
Deitra Dennis
Cheryl Cormier

3) Share your testimonials, questions or challenges during the call.  (You can hear last week's testimonials through the replay line:  712-432-8909, 57559#, 060613#.)

We've talked about the reasons to become CEO QUALIFIED and many of you have said you're anxious to purchase your CEO MEGA PACK.  Terri had an amazing inspiration for those who want to become CEO Qualified but are finding it difficult to FIND the $$ in your budget to do so.  Tonight you'll hear some helpful ideas to help you achieve your goal.

The power of 3-way calls has fueled the direct sales industry for decades!  I know we've recommended it repeatedly as a way to help you close with a prospect but now, we're going to take it up a notch by literally showing you how to do it LIVE on our team call every week. 

Want to CALL YOUR PROSPECT LIVE ON TONIGHT'S CALL?  Send an email to or call me at 321-217-3912 to confirm and get set up instructions.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

NEW TEAM CALL FORMAT, Beginning June 6, 2013

To make your summer sizzle with new recruits and business success, we're changing up our TEAM CALL beginning June 6th to provide an exciting new format to inspire, train, support and boost your business!  We have set a time limit for each segment, so the calls will move fast.  Dial in promptly at 9pm and get ready for fun and phenomenal growth.

Thursdays @ 9pm ET, 8pm CT , 6pm PT
712-432-8900, code 57559#

Leaders of Team Anew & Team Journey are coming together to make our calls informative, motivating, engaging and inspiring!  Special thanks to Josi Hopkins, Terri Jackson Carson, Angie Marshall, Sonja Keeve, Angelia Williams Chancellor and Natalie P. Smith. 

Greetings & Welcome - New Business Partners
We'll take the first 5 minutes to welcome all new business partners. We need your ENERGY on the calls so show up, be excited and let's show our Soul Purpose spirit!  Naturally for this segment to work, everyone should invite all new business partners to be on the call. (So your new business partners can receive text message reminders and team notices, also ask them to text ANEW to 55469.)

Healthy Body Challenge
So many of us are making the commitment to the Healthy Body Challenge that we want to devote a segment of our call to sharing testimonials and tips to support everyone's ongoing success.  Plus, whether you're taking the challenge or not, this will be a great source of testimonials and information you can use to promote the BE WELL packs with your customers. 

Hint #1:  Take notes of all the testimonials shared and select one to send as a e-card to all of your contacts each week.
Hint #2:  Send testimonials via Twitter and post on Facebook 2-3 times a week.  Be sure to include a link to your personal retail website (or to your Healthy News lead capture page if you have one) so anyone interested can get more information.

Training & Motivation
In this segment of the call, one of our selected leaders will share a training or motivational topic with us.  We'll cover a variety of topics like skill builders, recruiting, compensation plan, sales strategies and more!  Don't miss out.  You'll learn more in this 15 minutes than you do all week!

LIVE Prospecting
In this, my favorite new segment, we're going to conduct 3-ways calls LIVE to help you recruit and prepare you to do 3-way calls with your upline and team members throughout the week.  Just prime your best contact to be on standby for a call and we'll do as many as we can in 20-minutes.  We'll mute the call and have you connect your contact to the call.  One of the leaders will take the lead and help you close your prospect.

You'll be able to use the format you learn in this segment to:
Hint #3:  Support your business partners by conducting 3 way calls with them and their contacts.
Hint #4:  Conduct 3-way calls with your most promising business prospects.  Schedule a 30-minute window every week with your upline for 3-way calls with 3-5 contacts (who you've asked to anticipate your call during that time). 

First call with new format: Thursday, June 6th at 9pm ET.

I hope you love the new format. Josi, Terri, Angie, Angelia, Sonja, Natalie and I sure do! We can't wait for tonight's kick off! 

We believe it will help us move forward TOGETHER in a powerful way!


Keep up to date, visit for current news and announcements.
Text ANEW to 55469 to join my text message group for call reminders and tidbits.