Friday, April 26, 2013


Those who will reach the top ranks in our community will learn to master the art of keeping their business pipeline filled with prospects.  

Since it is an art and not an exact science, it means you get to apply your own sense of style, panache and personality!
Done properly, each step in the process leads to the next and it all begins with prospecting.  Now don't get agitated...prospecting can be fun and rewarding when you embrace it.  When put into perspective, prospecting is done in all businesses and all industries, but perhaps called by different names.  In direct sales and specifically Soul Purpose, we call it "sampling".  In the auto industry, it's called "the test drive".  And, in the real estate industry, it's call "an open house".  Corporate America often refers to it as "customer acquisition". 

Whatever it's called, at the end of the day, the goals are the same...
  • Get product or services in front of new people
  • Pique their curiosity
  • Establish value of product or service
  • Create the "I've got to have it" dream or desire for your product or service

We accomplish these goals through a strategic model which creates a flow of new customers into and through your business pipeline:


Do you know the many ways you can invite or introduce new people to Soul Purpose or all the tools you have to expose your prospects to the products and business opportunity?  If not, you should listen to the replay of our April 25th Team Call (712-432-8909, code 57559#, filename 042513#).

Regardless of title or accomplishments, EVERYONE who will have a successful business TOMORROW is following this model TODAY! 

May your business overflow with new customers, hosts, business partners and more referrals than you can handle!