Thursday, May 16, 2013

Growth Explosion

Wow!  I can't believe it's been nearly 2 weeks since our fabulous Convention in Las Vegas.  It had everything...inspiring testimonials, exciting announcements as well as fun & recognition.  We met and forged new relationships with Soul Purpose and Youngevity family from all over the country. 

Cheryl Cormier
& Marilou Henner
At Convention
"If we don't take care of our bodies,
where are we going to live?!"
There were many takeaways, but none greater than the feeling of hope, possibility and, knowing the powerful benefits of combining 90 FOR LIFE and Soul Purpose products (aka BE WELL), there's also an urgent sense of responsibility to share Soul Purpose with everyone we love.

So, I've included below our momentum mandates that will help you and everyone on the team create a massive growth explosion.  I also wanted to personally invite you to connect in a real way with the team on our calls and by demonstrating your commitment and support through action.

712-432-8900, code 57559#
9pm ET Thursday Evenings


1.  BE WELL.  Everyone needs the combination of products in the BE WELL PACK for optimal general good health and wellness.  Put it on your auto-ship to make sure you have what you need each and every day.

2.  BECOME CEO QUALIFIED.  Not one person I've ever spoken with in Soul Purpose has indicated to me that their business goal was to sit back and not take full advantage of this opportunity.  Quite the opposite in fact...everyone has said they want to generate $2-$5K and many want the ultimate...$10K or more and time freedom.  That's not what's happening but it can change right now as you read this message.  Make the decision to invest in you.  Aren't you worth it?  NOTE:  The Soul Purpose CEO Mega Pack is available in the EMMA back office.  CLICK HERE to go to the Soul Purpose News resources page and download the pack contents and ordering details.

3.  HELP OTHERS "BE WELL".  Who do you love and care about the quality of their life?  Who is stressed out, irritable, overworked and tired all the time?  Who is on medication for high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease?  Who has cancer or maybe at high risk for developing it in the future?  What we, what you have available to you CAN CHANGE LIVES! 

4.  Join the HEALTHY BODY CHALLENGE. This great promotion allows us to get healthy together, share testimonials and inspire each other to be our best self.  What's even better is that you can earn your monthly Healthy Start Pack for FREE just by introducing 3 customers to Healthy Start each month!  CLICK HERE for details.

5.  BUILD 3 X 3 X 3.  Find 3 people and help them launch their business.  Teach them to build by finding their 3 people and so on.  Keep the duplication going level after level to build your Soul Purpose empire. 

6.  JOIN US IN CANCUN.  Follow the 3x3x3 model above, bringing everyone in with CEO MEGA PACKS and you'll have the structure to qualify for joining us in CANCUN.  Imagine November on the beach, dipping your toes in the surf, sipping a cocktail with a little umbrella and celebrating with your Soul Purpose family!  What could be better.  CLICK HERE for more details.

7.  USE THE RESOURCES.  Existing favorites include: the SOULPURPOSE-NEWS BLOG for updates and information to help you build; and, EMMA for managing your contacts, sending the customer newsletter/magazine, access to beautiful e-cards and your personal retail web page for your customers to order or shop with you. 

We now have several new resources and tools to help us build...

HEALTH NEWS Newspaper.  For just about $.17 each, the newspaper is packed with testimonials and information about 90 FOR LIFE.  I just received my order of 600 and I plan on leaving them all over the city to create interest and leads.

SUCCESS AT HOME Magazine.  Youngevity is the feature company which means the issue is cover-to-cover product, company and opportunity information to help you recruit.  Buy 10 or 20.  LOAN them out with people for 24-48 hours.  Set up meetings to not only "get your magazine back for the next person waiting to read it" but to sell products and sign up those who were excited by what they read.

90 FOR LIFE App!  Download this FREE app on your smartphone and send notices to all of your contacts to join you as a PREFERRED CUSTOMER for FREE and to lock in their 30% discount on future purchases.  1, 2, 3, click and you're done! 

ESSENTIAL OILS App!  There's a nominal cost for this one, but it's well worth the $9.99.  If you're like me...want to use and recommend the oils...but you're confused by what each oil does and how to mix them...this app is for you!  So, detailed and well-organized.  You'll find everything you need for your family and to make appropriate recommendations to your customers.

I hope that you're ready to go "all-in" to build your business and that we can count on your ongoing support to help take Soul Purpose to the next level.

Talk to you on the team call tonight at 9pm ET!