Thursday, December 29, 2011

Welcome New Team Journey Business Partners 11-18-11 thru 12-28-11

Welcome New TEAM JOURNEY Business Partners

11-18-11 thru 12-28-11

TEAM Journey is proud to welcome and congratulate new business partners who enrolled from November 18 thru December 28! Special congratulations to those listed in RED who joined with a minimum of $100 in personal volume making them immediately ACTIVE business partners! Those identified with BLUE STARS have embraced Soul Purpose standards by enrolling for Auto-Ship!

~Darlene Lindsey, Angela Wade, Angel Gray, Cathy Chase, Dina Julius **, Sandra Sweeting & Carla Moss enrolled by Nakia Evans

~Delores Bruce & Tamurra Christian enrolled by Angel Bruce

~Candice Draughn & Warren Martin enrolled by Deborah Hanson

~Reginald Allen enrolled by Chocolate Mobile Designs

~Crystal Marable ** enrolled by Tonya Gorham

~Cynthia Lester enrolled by Crystal Marable

~Kenneth McRae ** enrolled by Irena Jenkins

~Juan Nance enrolled by Andrea Williams

~Vertina Smith** enrolled by Josi Hopkins

Congratulations to the sponsors who are committed to growing the Soul Purpose community. Much success to all!!

Josi Hopkins, Team Journey
Diamond Executive

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Welcome New Business Partners 12-14-11 thru 12-21-11

Welcome New TEAM ANEW Business Partners
12-14-11 thru 12-21-11

TEAM ANEW is proud to welcome and congratulate new business partners who enrolled from December 14 thru December 21! Special congratulations to those listed in RED who joined with a minimum of $100 in personal volume making them immediately ACTIVE business partners! hose identified with BLUE STARS have embraced Soul Purpose standards by enrolling for Auto-Ship!

Cheryl Smith enrolled by Zeola Carey
Erica Eslinger ** enrolled by Juanita Simmons
Santrell Stewart enrolled by Kurundi Daniels
Rachel Warr ** enrolled by Kurundi Daniels
Fajr Abdullah enrolled by Sharon Waldo
Aleta Perry enrolled by Kenya Johnson
Thomas Marshall, Jr. ** enrolled by Angie Marshall

You have taken a very important first step to start your new business. Your next steps to learn the business and position yourself for growth and success are equally as important. 

  • We're looking forward to welcoming you properly and introducing you to your new Soul Purpose family, so please join our team call. To get started and for ongoing support, training and networking, please mark you calendar to join our TEAM CALLS on Thursday evenings at 9pm ET by dialing 712-432-8900, code 57559#. We're here to help you to achieve great success!

  • Also, please join me for a community-wide NEW ENTREPRENEUR GETTING STARTED CALL which I host every Tuesday evening at 8:00pm ET / 7:00pm CT / 5:00pm PT. 712-432-8904, code 47685#.

GET TEXT MESSAGE UPDATES: Just text my name "Cheryl" to the number "55469" to be added to my text broadcast list.

With your success in mind,
Cheryl A Cormier
Kona / Vice Presidential Marketing Director
National Team Leader of TEAM ANEW

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Bring your questions, we've got your answers!
No topic is off limits, but we expect to cover many questions about:
Becoming CEO Qualified & what it means.

As the holidays and year-end approaches, it's time to celebrate but also reflect.  In addition to giving all year long, we all put extra effort into buying that perfectly thoughtful gift for a loved one.  But I have a question for you:
What Gift Will You Give Yourself this Year?

Welcome New Business Partners
Q&A Session
Discussion: A Gift For You!

Join us on the
Team Call tonight at 9pm ET / 8pm CT / 6pm PT
712-432-8900, code 57559#

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Welcome New TEAM ANEW Business Partners
12-1-11 thru 12-7-11

TEAM ANEW is proud to welcome and congratulate new business partners who enrolled from December 1 thru December 7!  Special congratulations to those listed in RED who joined with a minimum of $100 in personal volume making them immediately ACTIVE business partners! Those listed in BLUE have embraced Soul Purpose standards by enrolling for Auto-Ship!
Yulonda De La Rosa enrolled by Tonya Moore
Share Villard enrolled by Anita L. Barnes
Aida-Kai Johnson enrolled by Rochelle Morton
Antoya Blackburn enrolled by Angie Marshall
You have taken a very important first step to start your new business. And just like the first, your next steps include learning and positioning your business for growth and success.
  • We're looking forward to welcoming you properly and introducing you to your new Soul Purpose family, so please join our team call. To get started and for ongoing support, training and networking, please mark you calendar to join our TEAM CALLS on Thursday evenings at 9pm ET by dialing 712-432-8900, code 57559#. We're here to help you to achieve great success!

  • Also, please join me for a community-wide NEW ENTREPRENEUR GETTING STARTED CALL which I host every Tuesday evening at 8:00pm ET / 7:00pm CT / 5:00pm PT. 712-432-8904, code 47685#.

GET TEXT MESSAGE UPDATES:  Just text my name "Cheryl" to the number "55469" to be added to my text broadcast list. 

With your success in mind,
Cheryl A Cormier
Kona / Vice Presidential Marketing Director
National Team Leader of TEAM ANEW

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Welcome New Team ANEW Business Partners!

Welcome New TEAM ANEW Business Partners
11-17-11 thru 11-30-11

TEAM ANEW is proud to welcome and congratulate new business partners who enrolled from November 17 thru November 30! Special congratulations to those listed in RED who joined with a minimum of $100 in personal volume making them immediately ACTIVE business partners! Those listed in BLUE have embraced Soul Purpose standards by enrolling for Auto-Ship!
Lorlita Nevels enrolled by Jean Spence
Mae Cash enrolled by Regina Clark
Xpressions Boutique enrolled by Bessie Shaw
Erica Johnson enrolled by Gwendolyn Sutton
Barbara Williams enrolled by Cynthia Francis
Tara Marshall enrolled by Angie Marshall
You have taken a very important first step to start your new business. And just like the first, your next steps include learning and positioning your business for growth and success.
  • We're looking forward to welcoming you properly and introducing you to your new Soul Purpose family, so please join our team call. To get started and for ongoing support, training and networking, please mark you calendar to join our TEAM CALLS on Thursday evenings at 9pm ET by dialing 712-432-8900, code 57559#. We're here to help you to achieve great success!

  • Also, please join me for a community-wide NEW ENTREPRENEUR GETTING STARTED CALL which I host every Tuesday evening at 8:00pm ET / 7:00pm CT / 5:00pm PT. 712-432-8904, code 47685#.

    With your success in mind,
    Cheryl A Cormier
    Kona Diamond Executive
    National Team Leader of TEAM ANEW

    Thursday, November 24, 2011


    I trust you are all enjoying a wonderful evening of fun with family and friends on this Thanksgiving holiday.  In lieu of our call this week, I'll be posting updates for you throughout the weekend.  Have a blessed holiday!

    Thursday, November 17, 2011

    WELCOME NEW TEAM JOURNEY MEMBERS 10/21/11 - 11/17/11

    WELCOME NEW TEAM JOURNEY MEMBERS 10/21/11 - 11/17/11

    Teesha Spencer by Shau-Shanna Miller
    Omar Hastings by Kimberly Hastings
    Irie Vibes by Kimberly Hastings
    Arneither Neil by Crystal Harvey
    Liane Barnes by Josi Hopkins
    Yolanda Cusack by Josi Hopkins

    Welcome New Team Anew Business Partners!!!

    Welcome New TEAM ANEW Business Partners
    11-10-11 thru 11-17-11

    TEAM ANEW is proud to welcome and congratulations new business partners who enrolled from November 10 - November 17.
    JENITA BEY enrolled by Salimisha Logan
    MONIKA BOYD enrolled by Melanie Anderson
    THE DOCK BOOKSHOP enrolled by  Bertha Moore
    STEPHANIE MCCLURE enrolled by  Tiffany Powell
    ZEVITA REESE enrolled by Tiffany Powell
    CRYSTAL WALKER enrolled by Cynthia Francis
    You have taken a very important first step to start your new business. And just like the first, your next steps include investing in learning and growing your business.

    • To get started tonight and for ongoing support, training and networking, please mark you calendar to join our TEAM CALLS on Thursday evenings at 9pm ET by dialing 712-432-8900, code 57559#. We're here to help you to achieve great success!
    • Also, please join me for a community-wide NEW ENTREPRENEUR GETTING STARTED CALL which I host every Tuesday evening at 8:00pm ET / 7:00pm CT / 5:00pm PT. 712-432-8904, code 47685#.
    With your success in mind,
    Cheryl A Cormier
    Kona Diamond Executive
    National Team Leader of TEAM ANEW

    TEAM CALL TONIGHT, 11/17/11 @ 9:00PM ET


    Are you trying to work your business or are you doing it?  I hope you were on the community webinar on Tuesday night which provided instruction for conducting an effective Opportunity Presentation and revealing why it having GREAT EXPECTATIONS of Success is so vitally important.  If you missed it or haven't already accessed the replay, I invite you to download the presenation from the SOULPURPOSE-NEWS blog and listen to the replay as follows:

    712-432-8984, code 47685#
    Filenames:  1115112# (part a); 1115113# (part b)

    On our agenda for tonight's TEAM CALL:
    • Welcome New Entrepreneurs
    • Success Testimonials
    • New Tools:  Business Info Pack, Technology Resources
    Join us promptly at 9:00PM ET!
    712-432-8900, code 57559#

    REPLAY FOR TONIGHT'S CALL:  712-432-8909, code 57559#, filename 111711#
    (Or, access it on TEAMANEW.COM.)

    Wednesday, November 16, 2011



    This updated TECHNOLOGICAL RESOURCES document is a reference for SETTING UP EMMA & YOUNGEVITY ACCOUNTS.  It also includes information on our CONFERENCE CALLS and other ONLINE RESOURCES.  This is an important tool to help you guide new Entrepreneur through these critical and essential steps of setting up their business.  This version is customized with information about our TEAM CALLS and BLOG as well.

    Click on the image below to download the document and save it to your harddrive.  Then, forward it with a welcome email whenever you enroll a new business partner. 

    Updated Business Information Pack


    The BUSINESS INFORMATION PACK contains information to help your potential business partners make a final decision about joining Soul Purpose. It's been updated wiht the latest, greatest information. All you need to do it forward it, follow up and sign up new recruits with confidence.

    Start by clicking on the image below to download and save the document to your harddrive. Then when you're ready to send it to a business prospect, type your cover email and attach the file. (If you are going to print the document out to mail to someone or to have on hand for an event, I've provided a space on the first page for your contact information.)

    Remember, be strong and confident in your desire to find QUALIFIED BUSINESS PARTNERS. By maintaining your position of VALUE and keeping your standards HIGH, you will inspire others to respect the business and achieve their dreams!

    Successful recruiting to you!

    Thursday, November 10, 2011

    Join My New Text Distribution List

    Text the word "cheryl" to 55469.

    If you've ever tried to send group text messages from your phone, you know how cumbersome it can be!  So, I'm setting up an automated service to be able to send text messages to the team as a group.  I will use the service for quick messages, reminders, and announcements that are important and time sensitive for the team to receive.

    Please JOIN the list!

    If you need it, here are detailed instructions:
    Go to your text messaging menu on your cell phone.  Click "compose" or "new" message.  In the area where it says send to, type "55469".  Then in the message area, type "cheryl".  That's it.


    Build success by embracing these standards...expect nothing less than the best from yourself and your business partners. 
    • Be a Product of the Product - Maintain a $150 BV Auto-Ship
    • Share the Products to Reach $500 PV (your auto-ship + customer sales)
    • Share the Business Opportunity to Build Your Team (Invite, Expose & Close)
    • Duplicate - Be Consistent Each Month
    • Multiply - Train Everyone To Do The Same!
    Let's follow these 5 simple steps to unlock the door to health, prosperity and wealth beyond anything we can possibly imagine.



    Welcome New Business Partners of Team Anew!

    Welcome New TEAM ANEW Business Partners
    10-27-11 thru 11-10-11

    TEAM ANEW is proud to welcome and congratulations new business partners who enrolled from October 27-November 10. Special congratulations to those in RED who are already active with volume of $100 PV or more!

    LOLANDA LIPSCOMB enrolled by Katrina Johnson
    JAMES FIELDS enrolled by Joia Ellis-Dinkins
    REBECCA GOING enrolled by Kimberly McCormick Jones
    HAZEL STEWART enrolled by Gwendolyn Sutton
    BARNELL SUTTON enrolled by Gwendolyn Sutton
    ANDRE HEREFORD enrolled by Angie Marshall
    SHARA MONDY enrolled by Cheryl A Cormier
    You have taken a very important first step to start your new business. And just like the first, your next steps include investing in learning and growing your business. 

    To get started tonight and for ongoing support, training and networking, please mark you calendar to join our TEAM CALLS on Thursday evenings at 9pm ET by dialing 712-432-8900, code 57559#. We're here to help you to achieve great success!

    Also, please join me for a community-wide NEW ENTREPRENEUR GETTING STARTED CALL which I host every Tuesday evening at 8:00pm ET / 7:00pm CT / 5:00pm PT. 712-432-8904, code 47685#.

    Cheryl A Cormier
    Kona Diamond Executive
    National Team Leader of TEAM ANEW

    Wednesday, November 9, 2011

    11-10-11 TEAM CALL: A NEW DAY -- WHAT'S NEXT

    Our First Annual Leadership Retreat was absolutely FABULOUS! 

    There was training, motivation, fun, networking, modeling, and dancing, but what was most significant was that we all left unified that this is truly a

    NEW DAY in Soul Purpose.

    A NEW DAY means that we have an individual and collective responsibility to do things differently...
    • Speak Prosperity!
    • Embrace High Standards!
    • Seek Creative Solutions!
    • Chaim Your Victory!
    • Value the Company, Products & Business Opportunity!
    • Be the Leader You Would Follow!
    • Support & Uplift Leadership!
    • Commit and Accept Nothing Less Than Success!

    Please join the
    TEAM CALL on tomorrow night, November 10, 2011 @ 9pm ET.

    Our Agenda will be:
    • Welcome New Entrepreneurs
    • Retreat Testimonials
    • October Incentive Qualifiers
    • New Tools (Product Map, E-Cards, Magazine, Customer Newsletter)
    • November Team Incentives
    • Commitment
    712-432-8900, code 57559#

    Monday, October 31, 2011


    It's crunch time for finalizing everything for our LEADERSHIP RETREAT this weekend in Baltimore, so while I have a moment, I wanted to share a brief update with our week's activities:
    1. If you can attend the RETREAT, please do because it will be vitally important to your business and our collective success.  
    2. Invite all new business partners to participate in tomorrow night's NEW ENTREPRENEURS CALL at 8pm ET. 712-432-8904, code 47685#.
    3. Invite your guests to join you on the Opportunity Call at 9pm ET.  712-432-8904, code 47685#. 
    4. Many of us will be travelling on Thursday for the Retreat and I'm certain the evening will be hectic so I'm asking for a volunteer to facilitate the call and conduct a training on any topic you choose.  I will do my best to be on the call, but this is a great opportunity to pass the torch.  (Please email me if interested.)

    Thank you.  Have an empowering week!!!



    Saturday, October 29, 2011

    Forward Post from Soul Purpose News!!!

    Soul Purpose News: Make it a 50 PLUS Weekend!: Come on Soul Purpose, join in the fun of making this the most spectacular weekend ever! Together, we can meet our goal to generate 50% MORE ...

    Thursday, October 27, 2011

    Tonight's Team Call @ 9pm ET, 712-432-8900, code 57559#

    although it means different things to different people, we all want to be successful.  But since success can mean different things to different people, it's important for you to figure out your passions and what's most important in your life.  In 5 years, how will your success story read when you're interviewed by...

    What will it say about your personal accomplishments and business successes?  What will it say about yoru contribution to your community?  What will it say about your triumphs along the journey to success.  All to often we focus on the obstacles of the journey and the opinions of others, but I believe it's important to focus on the success.  So much so, that it drives you past any hinderences and across the finish line.
    The exercise we began is designed to help us sharpen our focus on our Success.  It will help us become more purposeful in our commitment, belief and actions that will make it all possible.
    CLICK HERE to read through Regional Field Director, Angie Marshall's story.  It was beautifully written and might assist you in preparing your own.  Tonight we'll ask for one or two more volunteers to share their stories and encourage you to continue to work on yours. 

    Our focus for tonight's call is your 30-second commercial!
    With only 30 seconds to introduce yourself, what do you say to capture the essence of what you do so that it inspires more questions?  Think about it...and be sure to join the call...

    712-432-8900, code 57559#
    9:00pm ET / 8:00pm CT / 6:00pm PT

    Welcome New Business Partners
    Announcements:  WOW, RETREAT, TWEETING,
    Team Incentives: 
    • $25 Restaurant Certificate to New Managers,
    • $50 Restaurant Certificates to New Diamonds
    • $50 Restaurant Certificates to TOP SALES, TOP ENROLLER & TOP PARTY
    • $50 Restaurant Certificates to 50 PLUS for 3 consecutive months!
    Closing out the month:  Balm, 50PLUS, REWARDS, POSITION
    Success Story (1-2 volunteers)
    30 Second Commercial

    Thanks!!!  Hear you soon...

      REPLAY INFO:  712-432-8909, code 57559#, filename 102711#  

    Before we close out October....

    Hello Everyone! We have an exciting Call to Action with our 50% + plan. All leaders are being asked to grow their team volumes by 50% this month. We have a few more days left in October, so here are some strategies that I plan to implement to take advantage of the next few days.
    1) Encourage ALL Team members to grow their volumes by 50% this month
    2) Target entrepreneurs that have not placed an order in over a year. Contact them and let them know about the new products, promotions, and about our FDI merger. If you can "awaken" a sleeping entrepreneur, you will get to take advantage of the Quick Start Bonus of 30% (only if they have been inactive one year or more).
    3) Encourage all active Entrepreneurs to have an event this weekend or take "SOUL PURPOSE ON THE ROAD" to a Halloween party/ family gathering. Even if 3 people are present, they might respond to the pampering experience and become a regular customer.
    4) MY PERSONAL FAVORITE thing to boost volumes is to evangelize the Balm of the Month Promotion. Pomegranate Mango is one of the balms that I sell the most of, so I am taking advantage of this promo by stocking up on the Mango Balms. In August, I stocked up on Ghanaian Brown Sugar. In September, I stocked up on the Hollywood Fresh. Now in October, I am stocking up on the Mango balms. I will be using this inventory to make Holiday boxes/ gift bags/ baskets that will have a fantastic profit margin since the balms will be sold at regular price. Purchase baskets/ chinese food containers/ gift boxes/ gift bags from the dollar store and make your Soul Purpose Product a must have for the Holiday season. Please, please, please do not miss out on this promotion in the last few days of October.

    It is officially the Holiday Season...make sure you send an E-Card reminder that the best store for gifts is your online Soul Purpose Store.

    Take care and God Bless You!!

    Scheril Murray
    RFD- Atlanta

    Welcome New TEAM ANEW Business Partners!!! 10-13-11 thru 10-27-11

    TEAM ANEW is proud to welcome and congratulations new business partners who enrolled from October 13-October 1327. Special congratulations to those in RED who are already active with volume of $100 PV or more!

    PAULA ELEY enrolled by Regina Clark
    SYLVIA QUARALS enrolled by Rochelle Morton
    MARCIA PETEET enrolled by Rochelle Morton
    NIKKI FREEMAN enrolled by Angelina Armstrong
    PRIME ESSENTIALS enrolled by Scheril Murray
    CHERYL CANCELA enrolled by Shyrron Armstrong
    LATASHA FOWLER enrolled by Regina Stingley

    You have taken a very important first step to start your new business. And just like the first, the next step is to invest in learning and growing your business. 

    To get started, please join me for a community-wide NEW ENTREPRENEUR GETTING STARTED CALL which I host every Tuesday evening at 8:00pm ET / 7:00pm CT / 5:00pm PT.  712-432-8904, code 47685#.

    For ongoing support, training and networking, please mark you calendar to join our TEAM CALLS on Thursday evenings at 9pm ET by dialing 712-432-8900, code 57559#.  We're here to help you to achieve great success!

    Cheryl A Cormier
    Kona Diamond Executive
    National Team Leader of TEAM ANEW

    Thursday, October 20, 2011


    Shau-Shanna Miller by Kimberly Hastings
    Catherine Trotter by Nakia Evans
    Sibyl Johnson by Tyra Chisolm
    Shirley Mann by Althea Edwards
    Hazel Edmonds by Althea Edwards
    Shaunae Evans by Nakia Evans
    Crystal Marable by Tonya Gorham
    Phyllis Wright by Nakia Evans
    Mi Amor Creations by Candace Credle
    Jermaine Blount by Tawanda Jeter


    although it means different things to different people, we all want to be successful.  But since success can mean different things to different people, it's important for you to figure out your passions and what's most important in your life.  In 5 years, how will your success story read when you're interviewed by...


    What will it say about your personal accomplishments and business successes?  What will it say about yoru contribution to your community?  What will it say about your triumphs along the journey to success.  All to often we focus on the obstacles of the journey and the opinions of others, but I believe it's important to focus on the success.  So much so, that it drives you past any hinderences and across the finish line.
    The exercise we began last week is to help us sharpen our focus on our Success.  It will help us become more purposeful in our commitment, belief and actions that will make it all possible.
    CLICK HERE to read through Regional Field Director, Angie Marshall's story.  It was beautifully written and might assist you.  Tonight we'll ask for one or two volunteers to share their stories and encourage you to continue to work on yours. 

    Our focus for tonight's call is your 30-second commercial!
    With only 30 seconds to introduce yourself, what do you say to capture the essence of what you do so that it inspires more questions?  Think about it...and be sure to join the call...
    712-432-8900, code 57559#
    9:00pm ET / 8:00pm CT / 6:00pm PT

    Thursday, October 13, 2011

    Welcome New Business Partners!!! 10-6-11 thru 10-13-11


    Team ANEW is proud to welcome and congratulations new business partners who enrolled from October 6-October 13. Special congratulations to those in RED who are active with volume of $100 PV or more!

    Kimberly Minor enrolled by Keena Robinson
    Tanya Jacobs enrolled by Stephanie Haunt
    Sabrena Jackson-Patrick enrolled by Angelia Williams
    Maria Rouse enrolled by Tiffany Powell
    Deborah Barrington enrolled by Laneka Barrington
    You have taken a very important first step to start your new business. And just like the first, the next step is to invest in learning and growing your business. 

    To get started, please join me for a community-wide NEW ENTREPRENEUR GETTING STARTED CALL which I host every Tuesday evening at 8:00pm ET / 7:00pm CT / 5:00pm PT.  712-432-8904, code 47685#.

    Please mark you calendar to join our TEAM CALLS on Thursday evenings at 9pm ET by dialing 712-432-8900, code 57559# for support and training to help you to achieve great success!

    30% of PRINTING @ STAPLES THRU 10/15/11

    Here's a great discount coupon to save on your printing at Staples.

    Regular price for color copies is 49 cents per page. With your discount, it would only be 34 cents!! This is a great time to print updated color copies of the BUSINESS INFORMATION PACK!

    (Click the image below to download a PDF version to print.)

    Monday, October 10, 2011


    I wouldn't usually use our blog to post anything other than business-related information.  However, knowing that most of us use our cell phones for business, you should be aware that cell phone numbers will soon be made public.  This means that TELEMARKETING COMPANIES will have access and will soon begin bugging you on your cell phone.  Even if you have unlimited minutes, I'm sure it will not make you happy to receive unwanted calls.

    So, call 888-382-1222 from your cell phone to put your number on the DO NOT CALL list (a service provided by the government  I did it years ago on my home phone and just did it in about 10 seconds for my cell phone.


    I've been busily working throughout the weekend writing and providing new tools to help the community grow their business.  They have bee posted on SOULPURPOSE-NEWS blog, so I won't repeat them here.  CLICK HERE to go directly to the blog where you will find:

      Later today, I'll post a complete list of POWER STRATEGIES FOR THE 4th QUARTER!  Stay tuned, alert and poised for greatness!

      Happy Spa Week!

      Thursday, October 6, 2011


      Team Journey is proud to welcome new business partners who enrolled from September 29 - October 6 and congratulations to their sponsors.

      Andre Barber enrolled by Tonya Gorham
      Karen Sorensen
      enrolled by ??? (Soul Purpose)
      Sharita Craig
      enrolled by Crystal Harvey
      Annette Strickland
      enrolled by Crystal Harvey
      Jack Chisolm enrolled by Tyra Chisolm
      Hendry Edwards
      enrolled by Althea Edwards
      Stacy Hardy
      enrolled by Delphia Sheila Johnson


      Team ANEW is proud to welcome and congratulations new business partners who enrolled from September 29 - October 6.  Special congratulations to those in RED who are active with volume of $100 PV or more!

      Debra Asberry enrolled by Lisa Arceneaux
      Derilyn Smith enrolled by Debra Asberry
      Leslie Howard enrolled by Angela Walker
      Joyce Kellogg enrolled by Sondra Moore-Crestwell
      Paula Ball enrolled by Sondra Moore-Crestwell
      Diana Jernigan enrolled by Scheril Murray
      Belinda West enrolled by Bertha Moore
      Stephanie Alexander enrolled by Tiffany Powell
      Roberta Mosley enrolled by ??? (YNG-Soul Purpose)
      Nadine Atkins enrolled by Sharon Waldo

      You have taken a very important first step to start a new business  And just like the first, the next step is up to you to invest in learning and growing your business.  Please join our team calls on Thursday evenings at 9pm ET by dialing 712-432-8900, code 57559# for support and training to help you to achieve great success!


      I am excited to see the increased "traffic" and sign ups for our team blog!  Designed and maintained for members of Team Anew and Team Journey, the blog is intended as our primary resource to communicate, inform, train and recognize members of the teams for outstanding performance. So, it is important for you, your existing team members and especially new team members to make it an integral part of your ongoing business training.

      The blog has many features and I wanted to acquaint you the following which are very important:



      Regina Alexander
      Marilyn Barber
      Lisa Borders
      Greta Douglas
      Kenyatta Lynn
      Angie Marshall
      Nataunya "Nikki" Newsome

      Last week, I asked a simple question "ARE YOU READY"?  Members of Team Anew and Team Journey were asked to show their commitment through their ACTIONS: 

      Wednesday, October 5, 2011


      Please be advised that you may have received an incorrect email notification about a COMP PLAN WEBINAR tonight.  There is no scheduled webinar for tonight.  For some strange reason, the Blogger System sent that notification out about an event which was actually held earlier this year in February. 

      The system was perhaps trying to tell me that we need to offer another Comp Plan Webinar in the very near future. So we will! Stay tuned for details!!!

      Sunday, October 2, 2011


      Thank you, we had more than 20 Entrepreneurs who participated in tonight's call!  You were ready, you made the commitment, you did the pre-work and you were on the call!  Congratulations for crossing the threshold to begin growing your business.

      Your GIFT Awaits, please send me the following by Wednesday, October 5th:
      Marketing Plan (How you will introduce new people to Soul Purpose)
      Planning Calendar (see earlier post)
      "Without a vision, the people will perish."

      Having a vision is ESSENTIAL to fueling your passion and drive to achieve success.  Knowing what your success will feel like, taste like, smell like, look like and sound like will help you stay connected to your DREAMS.  Build your VISION or DREAM BOARD! 


      Websites...yes we have several.  For those of you who might be a little confused of where to go for what, how to log in, here's a quick reference:

      Public face of Soul Purpose on the web.  Vision, products, partnerships, opportunity.  Many of the pages can be forwarded by email or posted to Facebook, Twitter and other social media networks.

      Here's what the social media links look like.  You can see that 10 people have share the page I copied this from on Facebook, 4 on Twitter and 22 have shared it through a variety of outlets. 
      Should you use the SHARE button (on the right), this is what some of the selections are:

      Reference and training information for Soul Purpose Entrepreneurs is placed in this password protected section of SOULPURPOSE.COM.  To access it:
      1. Go to SOULPURPOSE.COM
      2. Scroll to the bottom left, CLICK ENTREPRENEUR'S PORTAL LOGIN
      3. On next screen, enter username soulpurposele, enter the password opportunity.

      Emma is your online system for marketing, managing and growing your business.  This is your OUTREACH system with your own personal retail website, beautiful e-cards, a monthly customer newsletter, contact manager, enroll new entrepreneurs, etc. 
      1. Go to SOULPURPOSE.NET
      2. Enter your username which is your ID Number (YNGSPxxxxxx,  the letters must be uppercase.)
      3. Enter your password.  (If you forget it, click the "forgot password" button if you need to obtain a temporary one.)

      This online site is your resource for all business data...volume, orders, customers, entrepreneurs, autoship, commissions, etc.  Think of it as your internal resource, much like your checkbook, which you wouldn't let anyone else see.
      2. Click LOGIN on the purple bar.
      3. Enter your username...YOUR ID # and your password.
      To initially to set up your account:
      a. you'll need to click on the words "activate your new website here" (in the paragraph labeled LOGIN ISSUES) to set up your account.
      b. on the new page, enter your EMAIL and ID #.
      c. follow instructions on subsequent pages.
      d. be sure to select FREE account.

      Order your personalized business cards, product labels and other marketing tools to support your business. 

      Order your Pharmacy Discount Cards.  When asked for your REP/Distributor # be sure to enter your complete ID # including the YNGSP.  This will ensure you receive proper credit for all the cards you personally distribute!  Go to

      QUESTIONS?  COMMENTS?  Click the COMMENT link below and I'll be sure to response so every can join the conversation.


      "A failure to plan is a plan to fail!"

      I don't know who said it, but it certainly is true. And, as ENTREPRENEURS with a destination in mind, we can't take any risks with the success of  your journey.

      If you don't already have a sketch of your monthly calendar laid out through December 2011, please do so. You can begin by including your training dates, Party with a Purpose dates, any known dates for networking events in your area, etc. Since this is a planning calendar, put everything you can think of on it. Then when you are closer to the event, you can decide if it's something you or your team can/will do. (Once you have completed your calendar for October, November, December...began to work on the full year of 2012.)

      Visit the websites of your local radio stations, newspapers, other online resources to find out about planned events in your community. Remember, even if you can't afford to rent a booth at an event, you and your team members can always attend to meet people, distribute samples and the Pharmacy Discount Cards.
      Your most active calendars will be the next 90 days. Within this timeframe, you should begin making decisions and filling in the details of your activities. This will make for a powerful 4th Quarter.


      What's vitally important is scheduling out your weekly activities. This ensures that you can have clarity about what you will do each day of your week. Please review the SAMPLE CALENDAR provided and use it as a guide to prepare your calendar. I find that calendaring and making sure there is a time for everything that I need to do in the week is quite liberating. Knowing that it's on the calendar means I don't have to stress or worry about it all week long. I just focus on it when the time comes.
      For instance, Wednesday evenings is the time I've set aside for 3-WAY CALLS and to make calls to team members. So throughout the week, I make notes of anyone I need to call and why. Then, I pull that list out on Wednesdays and I can get right to work.

      CLICK HERE to download the file.

      Friday, September 30, 2011





      Hi, you're receiving this ecard because you are part of TEAM ANEW. Recently I've heard from many Entrepreneurs who are ready to re-engage or take their business more seriously. Since some of you may have lost contact with your sponsor, as the leader for Team ANEW, I've decided to do a special orientation for everyone who is interested.

      STEP 1.
      Please listen to a recording of last week's New Entrepreneur Getting Started Call by dialing 712-432-8984, code 47685#, filename SPNEW# (77639#). Or, you can access the recording via WWW.SOULPURPOSE-NEWS.BLOGSPOT.COM

      STEP 2.
      Join me on a SPECIAL LIVE call this Sunday evening 10/2/11 at 6:00pm ET. I'll share a our simple success plan and answer ALL of your questions! Dial 712-432-8900, code 57559#.

      I'm excited & looking forward to hearing you on the call!

      Cheryl A. Cormier

      SPECIAL NOTE: Within minutes of sending this message as an e-card to the team, I heard from FOUR team members who will be participating. If this message doesn't apply to you, but it does apply for some of your business partners, please spread the word and invite them to participate.  I want to help as many people as possible get what they need to be successful in their business.

      Thursday, September 29, 2011



      Good evening, with all the great news and announcements about our expanding opportunity, I couldn’t let another day pass without reaching out to the very important Entrepreneurs on my first level.  

      Some of you have continued with the business, others have not.  I understand, the business just may not have been for you at the time.  However, the announcement about the PHARMACY DISCOUNT CARDS is very important and I want to be sure you had an opportunity to reconsider your decision.  If you have not been active in the business, this is a game changer.  If you have been working your business but not with the intensity you know it deserves, now is the time to consider making a real commitment because there’s EASY MONEY TO BE MADE!

      What if…you could save 10-85% on your prescriptions for you and your family, would you?

      Scheril Murray did.  When she picked up her prescription she saved 70%!  Her insurance co-pay was $10, so she ultimately only paid $3!

      What if…you could give your friends and family a FREE Pharmacy Discount cards to help save them money on their prescriptions?  Who would you help?

      Nakia Evans did.  She gave a card to her god-mother who used it to get a discount on a $145 EPI-PEN which her insurance didn’t cover at all.  But with the card she saved $55 and only had to pay $90. 

      What if…I told you that just by passing out 25-50 FREE Cards every day, you could create an additional income of $48,000 a year or more, would you?  Here’s why it’s so easy…
      ·         NO Selling, NO Rejection, NO Intimidating Approaches. 

      ·         Who wouldn’t want something for absolutely FREE!  NO Activation Fees.  NO Processing Fees.  Nothing to Buy.

      ·         When you give them a card just invite them to call you and let you know how much they saved, then offer them the opportunity to sign up and make easy money passing out cards themselves!

      ·         It’s REALLY that easy!  A WIN-WIN-WIN: for you, for them and for their friends & family.

      Your only requirement for being eligible for the commissions is to maintain $50 personal volume each month.  That’s it.  Just enjoy your favorite products and make $$$$ while you sleep

      Commissions are paid automatically the 15th of each month!!!

      ·         Earn 25 cents or 50 cents EVERY TIME someone saves $$$ using your card!

      ·         Earn 10 cents EVERY TIME someone saves $$$ using a card given to them by someone in your downline through 6 levels!

      Now is the time to make EASY MONEY with this remarkable program.

      I have always wanted the very best for you and I feel this program will not only save you money but it can have a tremendous affect on your household finances.  Just think what you could do with an extra $48,000 a year!!!

      If you decide that this program is for you, email me back right away or call me.  If you’re ready, I’m ready to help you!