Sunday, October 2, 2011


Thank you, we had more than 20 Entrepreneurs who participated in tonight's call!  You were ready, you made the commitment, you did the pre-work and you were on the call!  Congratulations for crossing the threshold to begin growing your business.

Your GIFT Awaits, please send me the following by Wednesday, October 5th:
Marketing Plan (How you will introduce new people to Soul Purpose)
Planning Calendar (see earlier post)
"Without a vision, the people will perish."

Having a vision is ESSENTIAL to fueling your passion and drive to achieve success.  Knowing what your success will feel like, taste like, smell like, look like and sound like will help you stay connected to your DREAMS.  Build your VISION or DREAM BOARD! 

Allow yourself (& your family) to imagine what life would be like.  Find pictures, words, images, etc that embodies your dreams and attach them to your board.  Place the board in a prominent place in your home and take a picture to carry with you on your phone or iPad.  View it several times a day as a reminder of the shared goals and dreams you have for yourself and your family.  It will make the work more enjoyable and rewarding.

With that clearly in mind, build with abandon and remember that consistency, persistence and giving it time will be at the foundation of your success!

I look forward to supporting you and celebrating with you.  Thank you for allowing me to sow into your business!

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