Thursday, July 19, 2012


Tonight's team call was a review of Tuesday's Call PLUS a bonus training on learning the economics of your business.  To get started, how would you answer the following questions.
  1. Do you know what your budget is for monthly expenses and how you're spending your money?
  2. Do you know how you create income?
  3. Do you know how to separate your seed money (the pinciple investment you make in the the business) versus your profits?
  4. Have you decided how you will spend your profits each month. 
  5. Do you know what your "breakeven" is for your business?
Click to download spreadsheet.
If you're unsure about any of your responses, let's get to work so you can KNOW with 100% certainty how the numbers of your business work. 

Listen to the replay of our team call for answers to these questions and more.  I've attached a sample spreadsheet (just click on the image to download it) that you can play with to develop your own model.  If you have questions or want assistance building out your spreadsheet based on your specific circumstances, let me know so we can arrange for a coaching session.
Replay Info:  712-432-8909, code 57559#, filename 071912#

I look forward to seeing you empowered to grow a hugely successful business!


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