Monday, August 6, 2012

Looking for a Sampling QUEEN (or KING)!

Excited to find out who will be our
for the week: 
August 2 - August 9th!
(Please send your numbers to
by Thursday @ noon.)

Remember, all SUCCESS in building a direct sales business starts with SAMPLING and here are several reasons WHY:

1. It's an icebreaker to enable you to talk to strangers!  What could be easier than giving someone something for FREE?

2. It expands your audience and puts you in contact with NEW people.  It's important to get outside of the circle of your friends and family to grow your business.

3. The connections you make could lead to other opportunities:  referrals, vending events, special occasion like baby or bridal showers or even birthday parties.

4. It will allow you to connect with others who are looking for what you have to offer:  Products or a Business Opportunity

5. You can brighten someones day or change their life. potential customers a "taste" of your product is a tried and true method of growing a business.  One of the most successful industries to do this is the auto industry.  I'm sure that you or someone you know has taken a test drive or two.  Does the auto dealer think that everyone who takes a test drive will buy a car?  Absolutely not.  But what they do know is that it may take 10 or 20 test drives before that one customer walks through their door who will actually purchase a car.  Yes, the other 19 burned up some gas and put miles on a brand new car, but that's just a cost of doing business to get to the right person. 

So, don't get discouraged if not everyone calls you back or shows interest.  You're just looking for the 10-20% who are looking for us!  Remember this...

Soul Purpose is special. 
Our products are special. 
The business opportunity is special. 
And guess what? Special just isn't for everyone! 

Soul Purpose is for those special people who can appreciate and who will value these remarkable products and this grand opportunity.

Don't be shy.  Hold your head up high and proudly because what you have to offer represents the answer to someones prayer!  Be the vessel of their blessing...sample until you find the one you're intended to bless.  You could brighten someones day or change their whole life. 

It's a blessing to be a blessing!

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