Saturday, April 19, 2014


"Use me, until you use me up!" 

I don't remember who sang those words but the words are in my brain as I think about my 3 DAY DRIVE to California for convention!  Yes, I want you to use me, until you use me up!


As I'm driving, nothing would give me greater pleasure than to use the time helping you build your team and lock in new business partners.  And if you were on the Team Call last Thursday*, you now know the power of the 3-way call...why it's important and how to make them successful.

Take advantage of the 3 DAYS FOR 3-WAYS:

1.  Qualify Your Prospect.  
This is a very important step and it doesn't mean getting a commitment from you prospect about joining the business.  Qualifying them simply means to determine if they are interested enough to take action and coachable to take the recommended action.

They should read, watch or listen to one or more of the following:

  1. The replay of the last FIYAH & PURPOSE Call (712-432-8984, code 47685#, filename 6789#)
  2. The Opportunity Messages recorded by Nadine and me on SOULPURPOSE.COM.
  3. Read "Hope & Faith in Direct Sales" by Nadine Thompson posted on SIMPLYSOULPURPOSE.COM
  4. Dr. Wallach latest interview on or on replay at 605-475-4099, pin 1034818#
  5. Dr. Wallach's "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" CD.
  6. The Change Your Life webinar.
  7. The Coding Bonus webinar.
  8. Read the Youngevity "Success At Home" Magazine.

Plus, they should complete one of the following:

  1. Be Well Self Care Survey (you can download from SOULPURPOSEBLOG.COM on the Resources Page.
  2. Find my minerals wellness survey  (This is my personal site which you can use so you won't have to subscribe. So please send me a text with the name of anyone you refer so I can be sure to get their information back to you.) 

2.  "Set Up" The Presenter (Me, Terri, Josi or other qualified upline leader)
Why edify?  It's not for our egos, but it's to get your prospects attention.  When edified properly, whatever we say during the 3-way has more meaning so we can validate and add another layer of credibility to what you have already shared about the opportunity. You might say:

"Deborah, I can see that you are a lady of passion and determination. Not everyone is a person of action so I truly appreciate your being coachable and taking the time to listen to _______ and complete the __________ survey.  (Fill in the blanks based on the qualifying step above.) 

"You are exactly the type of person we are hoping will join us on our wellness and wealth building crusade and I'd like to introduce you to my success upline and business partner, ___________. (Always use presenter's full name and title. Share the "set up" info for presenter)

She knows that I am committed to share Soul Purpose Youngevity and although she's extremely busy, she will set aside time to speak with go-getters like yourself.  I will share your survey with her so we can let you know how we can specifically meet your needs.  Plus, the call will give you a chance to ask any questions you may have.    What time of day works best for you.  During the day or evenings? (Wait for the answer.)  Week day or weekends? (Wait for the answer.) Great, how about? ________.  Okay, that's confirmed and I will call you at that time.  If anything should change on your end and you need to cancel, please let me know in advance so that I won't misuse the opportunity to book time on _______ busy schedule."

3.  Confirm Time With Presenter.
Now you should confirm the time on the calender with the presenter to lock it in.  This is also the time for you to share details about your prospect.  Who they are, how you met them, what they do for a living and why you think Soul Purpose Youngevity can help them.  You should their survey answers with the presenter so that the 3-way call can be customized to speak to their specific needs, wants and desires.

4.  Initiate the 3-Way Call.
First call the presenter.  This ensures they are situated and available to talk. This also gives the presenter a chance to reconfirm information about the prospect or ask other questions before you get them on the line.  NEVER, EVER, EVER get the prospect on first and then call the presenter.

Once connected, you should make the introductions:

"Deborah Collins, meet Cheryl Cormier, Executive VP of Soul Purpose.  Cheryl meet Deborah.  (Let them exchange greetings.)

"Cheryl, meet Deborah Collins. I know you are very busy and appreciate you taking time out of your schedule to meet someone who special, coachable and a woman of action.  Deborah is ______________.  (Edify edify edify your prospect. The more you say, the more your prospect will know that you "get" her, appreciate her and that you value her potential.)

"Deborah, meet Cheryl Cormier.  I know I've shared that she is ________ (Repeat what you shared in the "set up" step.  Now add the additional info from the presenter's bio.)  In addition, she is _____________. As I told you I would, I've shared your survey with her and I'm going turn the call over to her so she can share how Soul Purpose Youngevity can help you from a wellness and wealth building standpoint.  Cheryl...."

The presenter will begin by EDIFYING YOU and will add credibility and layers of understanding about the wellness crusade and our phenomenal business opportunity.

(Now sit back and let the presenter present and close your prospect.  By the end of the conversation, you should know what products they want to order and whether or not they are a business builder.)

5.  Close the Call.  
Thank both your prospect and presenter for being on the call.  Review any action items to follow up on or completed as a result of the call.  Confirm with your prospect when you will call to get her signed up and products order.

It would be ideal if you can call your prospect back immediately to sign her up or take her order. If not, don't let her sit with the information too long.  You want to engage her while the energy level is high and she's still excited about everything she's learned. (Be sure to use the guidelines in the Entrepreneur Certification Program "Focused Follow Up" Module for strategies for customers, prospects and business partners.)

By using the power of the 3-Way Call, you'll get more people in front of the business opportunity and your business will flourish!

*Team Call Replay for April 17th:   712-432-8909, code 57559#, filename 041714#

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