Thursday, April 17, 2014


"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering the attitudes of their MINDS!"
~ William James

I was surprised recently when asked what ANEW means and why I chose it as our team name.  It really is the inspiration behind everything that I do and, my hopes and dreams for each of you.  The acronym stands for:

~ Awakening New Empowerment Within ~

Many years ago, before Soul Purpose was as even an idea, I knew that this journey of building a direct sales business together is so much more than selling a product or recruiting other.  The bigger success is about a mindset shift that would awakens us to our very core: our deepest dreams, our entrepreneurial spirits and even the unsettling demons of fear, doubt, procrastination and abandonment.

The misconception is that the transformation of becoming an entrepreneur happens at a single point on a time continuum.

It does not!

There is no miraculous transformation that happens when someone joins Soul Purpose; it's just the beginning of ongoing journey.  One where we examine everything about ourselves, even the simplest, most automatic responses or behaviors. It's this examination that keeps us on course...growing and evolving into the magnificent entrepreneurs we are intended to be. That's why I proposed we call members of the Soul Purpose community Entrepreneurs, because I knew that's where the transformation begins.

Those who quit and abandon their dreams are simply not ready to do the work.  To learn from every challenge.  To rise for every occasion.  To be exactly who and what they are intended to be regardless of the naysayers, rejection, and setbacks.  And when it looks it often's our mindset that helps us dig a little deeper, keep the faith and keep going.

One of the many ways I want to support our growth as a team is to provide a social media platform for us to read, ponder and discuss positive and empowering quotes and inspirations.

I'm calling it #ANEWMIND 
and I hope you'll join the conversation!

Several times a week, I'll post and tweet powerful quotes and inspiration messages on our team blog which will populate on Twitter & Facebook as well with the hashtag #ANEWMIND.

When you see them... LIKE, COMMENT AND  SHARE them using #ANEWMIND on your FaceBook page, retweet it to your followers on Twitter and/or simply post a comment right here on our team blog.  It's important to do all 3...LIKE, COMMENT AND SHARE to keep the conversation alive on our timelines.

That's it!

So, let's get started by getting connected.  If we are not already connected on social media, just click the links below to...

Follow me Twitter @cherylcormier
Friend me on Facebook /cherylacormier

Done? Now, you can join the conversation and engage your business partners and friends in the process.

With your success in mind, I'm your #ANEWCOACH!


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