Friday, January 7, 2011


Today as I pulled into a Walgreen's store, I was on the phone as usual and sat in the parking lot awhile to wrap up my call.  Near the entrance, I noticed a woman and young man both asking everyone who exited the store for money.  Wow, I thought out in the cold, begging for money.  And, just like everyone else, I was skeptical about the need and made my mind up to ignore them.  By the time I entered the store, both were gone but when I came out, the lady was back again. 

I had the same thought (wow, out in the cold, begging for money) but with an AH-HA twist.  They were out in the cold, begging for money.  They were prospecting!  They were facing the elements (night and cold).  They were facing rejections and snarls, and perhaps even the occasional cursing out!  But there they were...

Being persistent...despite the obstacles and rejection!
Being consistent...without fail, they ASKED EVERYONE!
Giving it time...who knows how long they had been there, but I'd venture to say that they stayed UNTIL "CUSTOMERS" stopped coming when the store closed!

So, I gave the lady $1 because in my opinion, SHE EARNED IT!

Next time you see a panhandler, don't look away.  Observe how hard they're working for pennies and dollars. What blows my mind is that even with all of the advantages we have with Soul Purpose...our natural wellness products and unlimited income potential...many are not applying the principles of consistent hard work and prospecting to build their business.  Are you?  If not, don't you think it's time to start taking your business seriously?

Help is just a phone call me!


  1. Now this is a good observation. And, (we) have so much more to gain. Let us all put our pride aside and for success.

  2. Absolutely, I think they've figured it out. They don't care what people think of them, THEY KNOW THEY WON'T SEE THEM AGAIN!
