Sunday, December 30, 2012

Keep on Pushing...2 days to go!!

Click image to enlarge
Thank you Team Anew for pushing and helping us reach our team goal for December. 

We still have  a little way to go to have our best volume month since August and only 2 days to make it happen!

I want to specifically congratulate those who have already achieved $100 in personal volume for December and encourage those who are within striking distance. 
Topping the list is our team superstar, Angie Marshall who has been doing her thing with Soul Purpose for 2 years now.  Happy Anniversary, Angie!  Just check the list on the image to the left for your name.  If it's not there, remember the month is not over, until the phat lady sings...and I'm not singing yet!  LOL

If you have all of the personal pampering products needed for youself and the family, consider:

  • Purchasing Nurture Skin Care Sets to get prepared for our Pretty Faces Campaign which will kick off after the first of the year. 

  • Purchasing items you'll need to support your January customer marketing strategy (i.e., products to include in a gift basket, door prizes for your January Party With a Purpose, etc.)

  • Stocking up on prosperity maps and product samples (especially Nurture).  Keep in mind that these items won't contribute to your volume.

I'll be around, so please let me know by text if I can be of any assistance throughout the next couple of days!

Friday, December 21, 2012


handbags have arrived.  They are GORGEOUS!!! and I can't wait to award them to some very deserving members of the team. 

Just for working your business, you can earn entries into the various drawings!  Click on the image to enlarge the flyer for all of the details. 

Then, get busy because there's 10 DAYS LEFT to WIN one of these handbags. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

November/December Team Incentives

Dear Team!

Several members of Team Anew will sport a new Robert Matthew Ostrich Tote after the first of the year. 

Work your business in November and December for entries into these drawings!! (click image to enlarge)

Good Luck!!!!

Friday, November 9, 2012


We now have less than 60 days to the end of year and the start of our 5 year anniversary celebration.  Following our team call last night and last week, we're FIRED UP and READY TO GO! 

When will all of the elements of success ever be aligned as they are for us at Soul Purpose?

Inspiring Vision & CEO
Yummy Products
Realistic Compensation
Great Community
Support and Training

Most important is that the timing could not be better.  It's your time, my time and our time.  But to achieve it we have to grab this opportunity and do everything in our power to build the business.

So where do you stand?  Are you READY TO GO?  It won't take much, but it will take focus and determination.  We need you to join with us for we are much stronger united than we could ever be individually.  We need to get started now to position and prepare for a great future.

If you were not on our last two team calls, I encourage you to listen to the recordings.  They will inspire and help you set SMART goals that you can achieve by December 31st.

Replay information:
November 1st Call:  712-432-8909, 57559#, filename 110112#
November 8th Call: 712-432-8909, 57559#, filename 110812#

We're here to support you in every way that we can. Call, text or email until you get the support that you need from your sponsor, upline or Josi and me.

Let's not wait another day to claim our victory.  Get Fired Up! Ready to Go!

With your success in mind,
Cheryl A Cormier

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Check this out!

Good Morning Vibrant Business Partners! 

I'm sharing this email I created for all of my contacts to boost sales over the next 48 hours and hopefully throughout the holidays. 

I hope it gives you marketing ideas you can use in the coming weeks as well.  If you'd like to receive the PowerPoint file so you can customize it, just email me at

Click Here to view the entire email! 

During our team call on Thursday, I'll let you know about my results!

Happy Selling!!!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

SELL-A-THON Award Winners!

So, proud of everyone for participating in the SELL-A-THON last weekend.  It was amazing to watch your volume for the month rise as the hours and days progressed.  Special acknowledgement to those who delivered BIG in their sales and are our prize winners:

1st Place -- Angie Marshall with $329 in retail sales  (Make-Up Brush)

2nd Place -- Leta Chadwick-Keeling with $253 in retail sales (Watch)

3rd Place -- Shera Green with $190 in retail sales (Bracelet)

4th Place -- Cynthia Francis with $175 in retail sales (Travel/Passport Wallet)

Plus, because I don't ask you to do anything that I wouldn't do, I'm happy to report personal sales for the weekend of $245. 

Our 1st Place Winner, Angie Marshall would like to select the Refillable Mineral Make Up Brush which is great for everyone else because they will receive the prize for the next higher category. 

Please join me in congratulating these ladies for an outstanding sales effort!

NOTE:  Shera and Cynthia, please let me know what color you've selected for your gift.

Friday, September 28, 2012


SELL-A-THON DATES:  Friday, September 28 - Sunday, September 30

As announced on last night's TEAM ANEW & TEAM JOURNEY conference call, today began our weekend SELL-A-THON!  Josi and I hope to see an increase in sales and volume which will mean BIGGER CHECKS for YOU!  Plus, we have some wonderful prizes for the 4 top sellers!

NOTE:  Award Status As of Sunday night's call noted in GOLD. All sales numbers must be emailed to me by Monday 10/1/12 @ 5:00pm ET.  Final award determinations will be made thereafter.

1st Place
(Minimum $300 in retail customer sales this weekend)
A beautiful WATCH!
Bling-bling crystals around the face!
No qualifiers as of Sunday night

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Join our team call on
Thursday, September 27 @ 9pm ET!
712-432-8900, code 57559#

Josi Hopkins, Senior Executive Marketing Director, will provide another insightful product trainings to help you become more knowledgeable and confident in sharing Soul Purpose with others.
Also, we'll talk about Operation PUSH! 
We counting on Team ANEW and Team JOURNEY
to lead the way to celebrate our upcoming 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Financial Management Tools for Home Based Business Owners

Ruby Marshall Jacobs
Tonight's team call will be hosted by Executive Marketing Director, Angie Marshall who will be introducing our special guest speaker Ruby Marshall Jacobs.  Please join the call for amazing insights and tools to help you with the financial management as a home-based business owner.
712-432-8900, code 57559#
9pm ET / 8pm CT / 6pm PT

Monday, August 6, 2012

Looking for a Sampling QUEEN (or KING)!

Excited to find out who will be our
for the week: 
August 2 - August 9th!
(Please send your numbers to
by Thursday @ noon.)

Remember, all SUCCESS in building a direct sales business starts with SAMPLING and here are several reasons WHY:

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Nurture Party With a Purpose

Join the fun and host a Nurture Skin Care Party With a Purpose on August 25th.  Read the full post on SOULPURPOSE-NEWS blog and be sure to send me your event details for posting!

Let's make this launch of the skin care line an historic event that will set us up for our future success!

P. S. Have you checked out the new skin care website yet? 

Sacrifice like an Olympian!

"I haven't slept in in 6 years!"
"I haven't had time to read the latest book or watch the latest movie everyone is talking about!"
"I haven't ordered dessert in over a year!"
"I haven't seen TV in years!"

When I heard these statements made by some of the young Olympians, it really spoke to the level of commit they needed to achieve their dreams.  It made me ask the question, "How many of us can make declarative statements about the sacrifices we make for our business?" 

Personally, I know I need to make the hard decisions about what I can give up (and probably won't

#sp10by10 -- Sampling Campaign

Are you getting your products and business out there?  Does anybody even know what you have to offer? 

We all know we're blessed to have amazing products and a powerful compensation plan.  The question is DOES ANYBODY ELSE KNOW?  Everyone you know and we're going to make sure that everyone who is blessed enough to come in contact with you will know too!


For the next 90 days, let's focus on the basics principles of people an



Rosalyn was rewarded with a variety of business tools including Salon Red Handouts, Lead Box, Samples & More!

You can get in on the action for August just by

Do this everyday for 5 days of the week and you'll have AN AUDIENCE of more 200 new people to follow up with about the products and business.

Every week on the team call, the Entrepreneur who has sampled the most people in the preceding week will win a $10 BUSINESS CENTER CREDIT!  You can use the credit to apply towards your purchase of business tools to continue growing your business.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Tonight's team call was a review of Tuesday's Call PLUS a bonus training on learning the economics of your business.  To get started, how would you answer the following questions.
  1. Do you know what your budget is for monthly expenses and how you're spending your money?
  2. Do you know how you create income?
  3. Do you know how to separate your seed money (the pinciple investment you make in the the business) versus your profits?
  4. Have you decided how you will spend your profits each month. 
  5. Do you know what your "breakeven" is for your business?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

COMP PLAN PART 2 - Team Call 7-12-12

Click to download document.
Our in-depth review of the
in history continues...

Thursday, July 12, 2012
9:00pm ET / 8:00pm CT / 6:00pm PT
712-432-8900, code 57559#

If you missed last week's call,
it's recommended that you listen to the replay by calling:
712-432-8909, code 57559#

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Click to download document.
Ever heard the phrase...
"Leaving Money On The Floor"

You don't want to leave mone on the floor in any business and most especially in direct sales.  Whether your goal is to generate a SIX-FIGURE INCOME or to help others GET HEALTHY, it takes passion, drive, focus and an understanding of how the plan works!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Welcome New Team Members - June 2012

We are excited to welcome 21 new business partners and 16 preferred customers to Team Anew and the Soul Purpose Community for the month of June 2012. 

With such success, I know we're capable of enrolling 50 new business partners for July.  Let's all do our part!

21 New Business Partners
Brown, Marquetta
Creating Confidence
Dave, Jocelyn
Daye, Carlette
Goodman, Patrica 
Hill, Charity
Husemann, Jattu
Jones, Tracy
Lewis, Jerry
Lewis, Rev. Dr. Martha
McKinzie, Mae
Melton, Tony
Parker , Michael 
Pierre , Traneika 
Smith, Charmaine
Smith, Regina
Tate, Kim
Epps, Danielle
Graham, Tronda
Warsame, Kitty
Turner, Tina

16 Preferred Customers
Abanga , Molly
Allen, Stacey
Bartley, Patricia
DeGraffenreidt, Kermit
Hampton, Adrienne
Jackson-Scott, Erika
Lartey, Seth
McMillan, Angelique
Myrick, Amber
Smith, Doris
Smith, Melody
Smith, Tiffany
Washington, Brenda
Waters, Curtis
Wilson, Chiba
Wright, Chellie Mae

Welcome & congratulations!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


We're on a roll and everyone is encouraged to participate in tomorrow's

9:00pm ET / 8:00pm CT / 6:00pm PT

712-432-8900, code 57559#

* Welcome New Business Partners
* Testimonials
* Keys from Professional's Panel
* 10by10 Success Stories
* SW, SW, SW...NEXT!!!

Monday, May 28, 2012


I know I haven't blogged in awhile, but I'm getting back in the grove starting with a few new postings on SOULPURPOSE-NEWS!  Please take a few moments to check it out and you'll find...

  • Links to digital documents:  Product Catalog*, Beauty From the Inside Out, & Nurture Skin Care Catalog

  • Reminder about the NURTURE PRESALE that ends on May 31, 2012! 

  • Staples Color Printing Discount.  Save $$$$ when you submit documents (like the digital documents listed above) online for printing. 

Then check back soon for more updates on!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Product Training, April 19th with Josi Hopkins!!!

As promised, we are beginning our team monthly
Product Training Call
hosted by
Senior Executive Marketing Director, Josi Hopkins.
Thursday, April 19th @ 9pm ET / 8pm CT / 6pm PT
712-432-8900, code 57559#

Be ready to take plenty of notes!

If you have the opportunity to, I'd even recommend printing out a copy of the digital Soul Purpose Catalog (and the 90 For Life Youngevity Catalog if you haven't ordered one) that you can use as a study guide.  In the margins of each page, you can make note of any highlights or testimonials shared during the call.

Click one of the images to download:

Obviously, we won't be able to cover everything in one night so it will be an ongoing conversation.  We will schedule a monthly call and in the interim you can send Josi questions by email:  We also invite you to post your product questions and testimonials on the Facebook group page, SOUL PURPOSE TESTIMONIALS & FAQS.  By sharing on Facebook, the entire community will learn, be inspired and have access to testimonials they can share with their customers and contacts.



Until tomorrow!!!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

"Redirecting your spending $$$" TEAM TRAINING CALL, 3/29/12

For our team call this week (March 29th), I am excited to announce that our very own Senior Executive Marketing Director and Regional Field Manager, Bertha Moore of Fort Worth, Texas!   She has an inspiring training planned and there's one question you'll need to answer:

What's in your shopping cart? 

Click on the images to download/pring the following worksheets and join Bertha at 9:00pm ET by dialing 712-432-8900, code 57559#. 

Enjoy the training and plan to join us next week for a full convention update!

PS. Be in the know about training, announcements, new introductions and recognition at convention.  Just follow our tweets from convention using #YGY2012!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Welcome New Team Journey Members March 1 - 22

Cassandra Phifer sponsored by RMD Chajuan Cox
Patricia Lewis-Miller sponsored by RMD Darlene Owens
Brionnah Green sponsored by SEMD Nakia Evans
Marquetta Yorkman sponsored by RMD Carla Williams
Lisa Meehan, Tonya Spencer, Randella Edwards-Elston and Tracey Hinkle sponsored by SEMD Josi Hopkins

NOTE: Our updated titles Regional Marketing Director - RMD (formerly Managing Associate) & Senior Executive Marketing Director - SEMD (formerly Diamond Executive)


TONIGHT: 9PM ET - Team ANEW/Team Journey call. 1-712-432-8900 pin 57559#
TOPIC: The Power of the Party using 10/50/$125 to reach your monthly $500 sales

Thursday, March 15, 2012


I'm frequently asked "What do I need to do to restart my business?"  I know you must get the same question also, so I've prepared the following document to assist.  I will post it as a permanent reference document on:


Click on the document image to enlarge and read.
Click here to be redirected to the Entrepreneur's Portal. 



Have you checked out all of the updates on

Click the image to the right and then one of the page links. Here's some of what you will find:

CERTIFICATION page. Everything you need to participate in the Entrepreneur Certification Program and become a Certified Lifestyle Entrepreneur! What's great for new Entrepreneurs is also an excellent tool for existing Entrepreneurs who are restarting their business or need a refresher.

PRODUCTS page. Updated with a link to our Spring 2012 Catalog as well as a list of all the wonderful new products introduced over the last few weeks. Don't miss the announcements and be sure to add them to your next order so you can introduce them to your customers.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Connect to the Power Source!

Have you ever wondered why I sign all my communications, With Your Success In Mind?  It’s because I’m motivated and driven by my desire to see you succeed!  Your success is my main priority in all that I do for our team and the Soul Purpose community.  I want you to get everything from your Soul Purpose business that you want and the abundance that you deserve.  I've come to learn that an essential component of creating that success means that we are partners in the effort.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


I hope you're ready for an exciting webinar
training.  CLICK HERE to download the presentation that we'll use!

Tonight, you'll learn:
Fundamentals of the plan
Wealth building strategies
Upcoming enhancements

If you missed the live webinar, you can still get all the information and insights about our powerful plan. 

1. Download the document.
2. Listen to the WEBINAR REPLAY:  712-432-8909, code 57559#, filename 030812#
3. Or you can listen to the recording online by CLICKING HERE.  Be patient, it's a large file and may take several minutes to open.  I like this option because you'll have controls to pause, rewind, or fast forward the recording.

Let's go get that MONEY!!!!


Feel like you're missing important information about Soul Purpose and your business?
Want to INSTANTLY receive special announcements and reminders to help you grow?

Only 20% of people check
their email on a regular basis, 
but an astounding 95% read their text messages
within 1 minute of receipt!   

To use this highly effective communication tool as a team, I need everyone to join the list and encourage all of your team members to do the same!  Joining will allow you to receive TEXT MESSAGE alerts intended for members of Team Anew and Team Journey. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Welcome New Team ANEW Business Partners

Welcome New TEAM ANEW Business Partners

2-9-12 thru 2-15-12

TEAM ANEW is proud to welcome and congratulate new business partners who enrolled from January 4th through January 25th! Special congratulations to those listed in RED who joined with a minimum of $100 in personal volume making them immediately ACTIVE business partners! Those identified with BLUE STARS have embraced Soul Purpose standards by enrolling for Auto-Ship!

Scharmane Porter                        Enrolled by Gail Thomas-Lockman
Natural Alternatives Salon**      Enrolled by Angie Marshall

Friday, February 10, 2012


As the national team leader for TEAM ANEW, I am proud to offer the following awards & incentives for February 2012!  I look forward to sening out many gifts!

Earn a $25 Restaurant Certificate
For everyone who achieves $150 in personal volume by February 15th!  (Restaurant Certificates will be sent by email.)

Congratulations, WINNERS!
Name Title
Ehlers, Camille AST
McWilliams, Adrian AST
Lewis, Sonia MGR
Gause, Julia AST
Morton, Rochelle DMD
Jackson, Carlus MGR
Daniels, Kurundi MGR
Rouse, Maria AST
Grady, Carolyn JRA
Johnson, Kenya AST
Marshall, Angie MGR
Marshall Sr., Thomas AST
Natural Alternatives Salon Dist

Earn a $25 Restaurant Certificate + a Car Decal
For every paid as Manager for February!

Earn a $50 Restaurant Certificate + a Car Decal*
For every paid as Diamond Executive for February!

*Check out the new Car Decal and other new business tools available through the Soul Purpose Business Center (

Discover the Joy of Tweeting!

What a FUN call last night!  By 2am, I realized that I have created a few new TWITTER Addicts! 
If you missed the live call,  listen to the replay and join the fun!

712-432-8909, code 57559#, filename 020912#

Thursday, February 9, 2012

New Team Anew Business Partners

Welcome New TEAM ANEW Business Partners

2-2-12 thru 2-9-12

TEAM ANEW is proud to welcome and congratulate new business partners who enrolled from January 4th through January 25th! Special congratulations to those listed in RED who joined with a minimum of $100 in personal volume making them immediately ACTIVE business partners! Those identified with BLUE STARS have embraced Soul Purpose standards by enrolling for Auto-Ship!

Alissa Caldwell              Enrolled by Regina Clark
Evita Bynum                  Enrolled by Angela Warr
Carolyn Owens**          Enrolled by LaWanda Pugh
Juanita Moore**            Enrolled by LaWanda Pugh

You have taken a very important first step to start your new business. Your next steps to learn the business and position yourself for growth and success are equally as important.

We're looking forward to welcoming you properly and introducing you to your new Soul Purpose family, so please join our team call. To get started and for ongoing support, training and networking, please mark you calendar to join our TEAM CALLS on Thursday evenings at 9pm ET by dialing 712-432-8900, code 57559#. We're here to help you achieve great success!

Also, please join me for a community-wide NEW ENTREPRENEUR GETTING STARTED CALL which I host every Tuesday evening at 8:00pm ET / 7:00pm CT / 5:00pm PT. 712-432-8904, code 47685#.

Just text my name "Cheryl" to the number "55469" to be added to my text broadcast list.

With your success in mind,
Cheryl A Cormier
Kona / Vice Presidential Marketing Director
National Team Leader of TEAM ANEW

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Welcome New Team Anew Business Partners!

Welcome New TEAM ANEW Business Partners

1-26-12 through 2-2-12

TEAM ANEW is proud to welcome and congratulate new business partners who enrolled from January 4th through January 25th! Special congratulations to those listed in RED who joined with a minimum of $100 in personal volume making them immediately ACTIVE business partners! Those identified with BLUE STARS have embraced Soul Purpose standards by enrolling for Auto-Ship!

Tamell Green enrolled by Regina Clark
Natasha Moore enrolled by Tamara Harrell
Helping All People Succeed ** enrolled by Kurundi Daniels
Tahirah Dunbar enrolled by Kenya Johnson

Your next steps to learn the business and position yourself for growth and success are equally as important.

We're looking forward to welcoming you properly and introducing you to your new Soul Purpose family, so please join our team call. To get started and for ongoing support, training and networking, please mark you calendar to join our TEAM CALLS on Thursday evenings at 9pm ET by dialing 712-432-8900, code 57559#. We're here to help you to achieve great success!

Also, please join me for a community-wide NEW ENTREPRENEUR GETTING STARTED CALL which I host every Tuesday evening at 8:00pm ET / 7:00pm CT / 5:00pm PT. 712-432-8904, code 47685#.

to your CELL PHONE! Just text my name "Cheryl" to the number "55469" to be added to my text broadcast list.

With your success in mind,
Cheryl A Cormier
Kona / Vice Presidential Marketing Director
National Team Leader of TEAM ANEW

Friday, January 27, 2012

Scam Warning


A message has been sent to the TeamANEW group from

The message summary:


DATE: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 20:23:32 -0000
SUBJECT: Information to Share

Good Afternoon Everyone, just sharing this info & as an alert.  I received an email message to my SP email address from a prospective customer requesting a large volume of product in the Japanese Peony Scent.  She wanted 3 sets of everything that she requested & a box of the Probiotic Chocolate.  She advised that she was making the request via email and wanted to have it shipped but could not pay with credit card because her info has been compromised.  It was a very detailed message requesting that product be shipped to her aunt's in WI or if she could pick it up.  I have corresponded providing a total for the product & requesting that she send a "cashier's check" for payment.  STRANGE THING IS one of my team members received the EXACT SAME message & called me a while ago.  I have not heard back since I requested payment & am alerting you all because it seems odd now!  The name on the email is Rita Wills & she is sending from an "" address which includes her name.  Just wanted to notify you all in case someone else gets this message and it is not on the up & up ~ I will see if she sends a payment to me.

Bessie M Shaw
Diamond Leader YNGSP200956

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Welcome New TEAM ANEW Business Partners

1-4-12 thru 1-25-12

TEAM ANEW is proud to welcome and congratulate new business partners who enrolled from January 4th through January 25th! Special congratulations to those listed in RED who joined with a minimum of $100 in personal volume making them immediately ACTIVE business partners! Those identified with BLUE STARS have embraced Soul Purpose standards by enrolling for Auto-Ship!
Melissa Cassell                 enrolled by Cassandra Cassell
Andrea Cash**                  enrolled by Regina Clark
Cheryl Moore-Cash           enrolled by Regina Clark
Deanna Cash                    enrolled by Regina Clark
Patricia Cash                    enrolled by Regina Clark
Tawana Denis                  enrolled by Regina Clark
Daphne Johnbaptiste      enrolled by Janice Clarke
Karen Thompson             enrolled by Trinene Davis
Tara Leggs**                    enrolled by Kamel Freeman
Jeanelle Hampton**        enrolled by Kamel Freeman
Dianna Hicks                   enrolled by Kenya Johnson
Chimene Jones               enrolled by Elaine Kerr
Robin Gordon**               enrolled by Angie Marshall
Pamela Bhattarai            enrolled by Sondra Moore-Crestwell
Carol Williamson            enrolled by Nataunya Newsome
Camille Ehlers                enrolled by Darlene "Honebun" Sanders
DeHavilland Harrington  enrolled by Cheryl Smith
LaTonya Thomas            enrolled by Angela Walker
Katrina Randolph           enrolled by Carol Williamson
Congratulations, top enroller REGINA CLARK with 5 new business partners in one week!
You have taken a very important first step to start your new business. Your next steps to learn the business and position yourself for growth and success are equally as important.

  • We're looking forward to welcoming you properly and introducing you to your new Soul Purpose family, so please join our team call. To get started and for ongoing support, training and networking, please mark you calendar to join our TEAM CALLS on Thursday evenings at 9pm ET by dialing 712-432-8900, code 57559#. We're here to help you to achieve great success!

  • Also, please join me for a community-wide NEW ENTREPRENEUR GETTING STARTED CALL which I host every Tuesday evening at 8:00pm ET / 7:00pm CT / 5:00pm PT. 712-432-8904, code 47685#.

Just text my name "Cheryl" to the number "55469" to be added to my text broadcast list.

With your success in mind,

Cheryl A Cormier

Kona / Vice Presidential Marketing Director

National Team Leader of TEAM ANEW


Friday, January 6, 2012


Check out the updated RESOUCE PAGE! It contains informative PDF document downloads as well as web links to various online resources. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Welcome New Business Partners 1-1-12 thru 1-4-12

Welcome New TEAM ANEW Business Partners
1-1-12 thru  1-4-12

TEAM ANEW is proud to welcome and congratulate new business partners who enrolled from December 21 thru December 31! Special congratulations to those listed in RED who joined with a minimum of $100 in personal volume making them immediately ACTIVE business partners! Those identified with BLUE STARS have embraced Soul Purpose standards by enrolling for Auto-Ship!
Patricia Penn enrolled by Gwendolyn Sutton
Paralee Jones enrolled by Gwendolyn Sutton
Deneen Harrison enrolled by Kurundi Daniels
Daphne Whitson enrolled by Cheryl Cormier

You have taken a very important first step to start your new business. Your next steps to learn the business and position yourself for growth and success are equally as important.

  • We're looking forward to welcoming you properly and introducing you to your new Soul Purpose family, so please join our team call. To get started and for ongoing support, training and networking, please mark you calendar to join our TEAM CALLS on Thursday evenings at 9pm ET by dialing 712-432-8900, code 57559#. We're here to help you to achieve great success!

  • Also, please join me for a community-wide NEW ENTREPRENEUR GETTING STARTED CALL which I host every Tuesday evening at 8:00pm ET / 7:00pm CT / 5:00pm PT. 712-432-8904, code 47685#.

GET MY UPDATES & NOTICES BY TEXT: Just text my name "Cheryl" to the number "55469" to be added to my text broadcast list.

With your success in mind,
Cheryl A Cormier
Kona / Vice Presidential Marketing Director
National Team Leader of TEAM ANEW

Monday, January 2, 2012

Welcome New Business Partners 12-21-11 thru 12-31-11

Welcome New TEAM ANEW Business Partners
12-21-11 thru 12-31-11

TEAM ANEW is proud to welcome and congratulate new business partners who enrolled from December 21 thru December 31! Special congratulations to those listed in RED who joined with a minimum of $100 in personal volume making them immediately ACTIVE business partners! hose identified with BLUE STARS have embraced Soul Purpose standards by enrolling for Auto-Ship!

Carolyn Grady enrolled by Kurundi Daniels
Charles Clark II enrolled by Regina Clark
Ronline Cannady enrolled by Shara Mondy

You have taken a very important first step to start your new business. Your next steps to learn the business and position yourself for growth and success are equally as important.

  • We're looking forward to welcoming you properly and introducing you to your new Soul Purpose family, so please join our team call. To get started and for ongoing support, training and networking, please mark you calendar to join our TEAM CALLS on Thursday evenings at 9pm ET by dialing 712-432-8900, code 57559#. We're here to help you to achieve great success!

  • Also, please join me for a community-wide NEW ENTREPRENEUR GETTING STARTED CALL which I host every Tuesday evening at 8:00pm ET / 7:00pm CT / 5:00pm PT. 712-432-8904, code 47685#.

GET MY UPDATES & NOTICES BY TEXT: Just text my name "Cheryl" to the number "55469" to be added to my text broadcast list.

With your success in mind,
Cheryl A Cormier
Kona / Vice Presidential Marketing Director
National Team Leader of TEAM ANEW